
Misquote. She actually says “You said the age of heroes would never come again.” That doesn’t suggest she’s talking about any of the timespan these movies cover, but rather some point in the further past.

Bah. At this point Sansa has convinced herself she has the combined powers of Petyr Baelish and Cersei Lannister, and is wrong on both counts. Her confidence and cunning is nothing but a hollow shell supported by well earned rage. I do think she’s the number one candidate for the person to end Littlefinger’s deeply

Could have said pus. Poop to soup! Pus to pie! Rhyming AND alliteration. :D

Hey, they barely ever even raised an eyebrow (Spock pun!) about fan stuff until someone tried to make actual serious money off a production. There’s a line. This is why we can’t have nice things. (I really wanted to see Axanar, too...)

Oh yes, comic book power sets are RARELY taken to their logical conclusions, and when they are the characters usually forget about it almost immediately.

Mm. Well, I do feel compelled to point out “NCC-1701-D”. That’s kind of similar to your “great-great-grandson” thing. Also, two of the first 6 episodes of TNG were direct riffs on TOS episodes (especially The Naked Now). Not to mention all the visual and musical score references to TOS in that first season. TNG

Really depends on which version of J’onn’s power set you were working with, and if it was to the death or not. But I’d say J’onn. In moments. Telepathic takedown. Fight to the death might be harder. Superman can be knocked down, hurt, sure. But actually KILLING him is tough without kryptonite or red solar radiation

What was strange to me was that it didn’t seem to be the actual Willy Wonka music, but rather a few notes of it here and there that then diverged into something else.

Cruella came from a realm that was perpetually in the 1920s or so. It had some magic, but it was basically a 20th century world.

Soldier was a quasi-sequel to Blade Runner, made years later. The connections between the two were deliberate.

I have never had end credits cut off without warning. Usually they shrink into a little box and give a prompt and countdown, which you can typically dismiss (but I’d rather I didn’t have to). It does vary a lot by platform though. I have 6 different things in my household that play Netflix, of various ages and levels

I think Netflix does it because they presume people want to jump to the next episode, not due to bandwidth (or not ONLY due to it). I think if bandwidth were the primary issue, it wouldn’t automatically start playing the next episode of a thing.

I’m not sure why he’s not putting every word he says in quotes at this point. He seems to believe that when he uses them, the words he said can later be claimed to have meant almost anything whatsoever.

Something I’d love to see: assuming the show runs long enough, slowly introduce revised design elements so that by the end of the series it has visibly shifted toward resembling TOS.

Yeah, except for the fact that students of the academy can challenge the current Bat-Man for the title, encouraging rivalry and hostility. I’m pretty sure a challenge like that, taken to an extreme, is what got Anathema into prison in the first place, IIRC.

The key word here is “panic”. Totally short circuits the higher reasoning centers of the brain. Some people don’t have much of a handle on those to start with.

Dr. Z, you clearly have no conception of what some people will spend on a wedding dress. Weddings are nuts. A quick Google query gives an average price of about $1500, according to one source. Obviously some people spend much, much less.

Quarantine. Not a prison, clearly, though it’s functionally not too different. And he’s definitely not the only one getting to or from Essos at absurd speed. Doesn’t forgive the awkward storytelling, but I think we’re supposed to assume it’s been a while since we last saw him.

Read the whole post. It’s all in there.

When I picture a SW themed immersive hotel, I see shady characters in the lounge, a wild restaurant with a crazy band, staff that engages me in adventure whenever I encounter them.