
As much as I would absolutely adore a Trek-themed immersive hotel (Trek > Wars by far, at least for me), I have to admit that Star Wars is a much more fertile ground for that sort of thing. It’s colorful (in both senses of the word) and diverse. Trek tends to be a bit... sterile and monochrome (metaphorically,

I do genuinely wonder: can the men come to work in, say, unbuttoned polo shirts maybe? You know, tasteful business casual, etc. One of the complaints I saw was “it’s summer, it’s so hot”. Men are, I think, literally required to wear coats, preferably black ones. I have zero problem with the sleeveless dresses, and


I remember telling my mom I was bored when I was young (9 or 10 onward). Later in life I was able to properly identify what I’d been feeling as a form of depression, which still is with me to this day.

I always thought they were alternating that with “spider saliva”. Listening again, I’m still not sure they aren’t saying that.

I’m not sure what you’re saying. 10 held his off for quite a while before finally regenerating (he had a whole “farewell tour” at the end).

I am one of the apparently VERY few who was completely surprised by the reveal. I don’t think I caught on until just a very few seconds before he threw off the disguise, if even then.

Yeah, that has been weird. I get why it’s gotten so abruptly common, though I only have a tenuous grasp on what it actually refers to.

There seem to be two or three different interpretations people have drawn from it going on here, and not really compatible ones. So clearly context wasn’t quite sufficient.

Isn’t that her on the far left, third from the bottom?

I rewatched Avengers: Civil War yesterday, and honestly this series made it impossible for me to enjoy it as much as I did the first time. How the hell do you root for Cap when the current vision of him is... this. I’m really hoping this ends in a satisfying way.

It is a LOT clearer in other books, where he is clearly a hologram, all solid white lined and transparent blue interiors. In the Secret Empire books themselves, they’ve drawn him looking pretty much normal, except a little more blue/grey. There’s so much creative color use from panel to panel that you barely notice

Very excellent point here. On similar lines, I always thought the Jason Rusch version of Firestorm was more striking in appearance than the Ronnie Raymond one for that very reason.

That’s an intriguing possibility, but one that doesn’t bear out. Simm did not recognize Missy immediately, and referred to her as “his future”, so it seems more likely she is a post-Simm regeneration.

Today my 3yo nephew and his mom were on Facetime, talking to us. The call was abruptly disconnected, and she playfully pointed out that he had hit the disconnect button. He indignantly insisted that he did not, but she did.

True, didn’t think about those, and those are nice, but not ideal for someone who wants to use a thing like this in a fully voice activated sort of way, which is kind of the raison d être for hardware like this. So, yeah, kind of an automated version of the flap though.

They need to make these things with a big, obvious, physically lockable shutter that opens with an unmissable mechanical whirr when the camera is on. Failing that, someone should make a thing like that which can be clipped on to any given device, perhaps connected with Bluetooth.

100% that’s exactly who I thought of. No one will ever convince me that performance wasn’t specifically influenced by Zathras. Perhaps being so taken with the similarity is why I never guessed even for a moment it was John Simm under all that.

That’s actually quite simple. The Master has crossed their own timeline. Time Lords’ personal timelines are objectively linear. Missy doesn’t remember it because it didn’t happen to her. She is out of sync with the Master-that-was. Much the same way that 11 didn’t remember encountering himself as 10 or as the War

I am a regular user of SL. It could possibly stand to be replaced. But by all accounts, Sansar is not a viable replacement. It’s too different of a thing.