
I’ve always been of the opinion that email should be plain text 100%, all the way. No fonts, no colors, no images, no formatting beyond tabs, space, and line breaks. It’s just text! Imagine the overall reduction in bandwidth used across the world if people weren’t padding out their 5 word quick replies with 100kb of

And yet, still DC.

Oh, I wasn’t condemning it exactly. I understand all about budgets. It was just sort of... odd to realize they’d used the distinctive TNG TV sets in a TOS-era movie. Especially the warp core, which they didn’t even try to disguise.

And let’s not forget Star Trek VI’s blatant and obvious wholesale use of TNG sets, a rare inverse of the usual trend.

Can you say that for sure? I haven’t done any research, so I don’t know. Discovery had a stated premier date that was both heavily publicized and viewed by many as an unreasonably short amount of time. Is it not possible that The Expanse was pushed back perhaps multiple times, without fanfare or public awareness, due

I greatly prefer strong motifs in film and television scoring. Few things give me chills like a well-timed musical callback. The hero swoops in accompanied by his distinctive theme. A peaceful moment is shattered by the ominous sounds of the villain or monster’s musical hallmark. A person or place is recalled by the a

I do miss a good overture to a movie. I like opening credits sequences. Movies, TV, whatever. You’re right, the trend is to just toss the title on to the screen and move on. Has been for years, and I hate it. Then again, I also am the sort that likes to stick around through the full end credits, even without a stinger

You’re acting like movie series never radically change tone, even genre, from on movie to the next. My favorite example is the Alien series.

No intention to undermine you generally well made points, but I do want to note that “trademark” and “copyright” are not interchangeable terms.

Part of the problem is that this is treated as a binary. It is either one thing or the other. Either it’s availabilty or it’s intent to do harm (whether due to social conditioning, mental illness, or any other reason). But it is both! The true ideal is to address both sides of the issue, so that those with the intent

I suppose I’m just sick of feeling like I’ve seen the whole movie after watching a trailer or two. I actively try to avoid them for most things I want to see. I’d rather that memorable line or spectacular set piece be shown to me in the context of the movie.

Alternate take: a trailer like this sets a mood and provides atmosphere, to give you an idea of what you’ll be experiencing, and leaves the actual highlights for the movie itself to show you.

Digital. I believe chapter 99 is the most recent. It looks like #100 is the last in the current series, which should come next week. So I guess it’s got a hiatus of a few weeks.

I’m actually confused by this post, because as far as I know it has not yet ended. I guess it’s possible it’s ended it’s current run and the last issues/chapters are still trickling out? To be picked up (almost?) immediately by the new followup series, I guess.

Mm, well, not arguing the game doesn’t get retconned hard. Just wanted to note/have confirmed that there WERE actually two in the first game, however briefly.

Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? It will never not be a “gimmick” as far as someone or other is concerned. This sort of logic ensures that a thing will never, ever be done until noone cares that it’s being done in the first place.

I thought even the first game had two keyblades? Didn’t Mickey have one that was like Sora’s with the colors swapped? It’s been a long time. I might have mixed some things up.

Citing Diaclone would have put you even further off your point though. Diaclone and Transformers, despite sharing a whole lot of the same toys, are nothing at all alike in their fiction. So in a very real sense, Transformers was a copy AND was also creative.

Surprisingly, it’s actually inspiring, I found. Profound even.
