
On my original viewing, when it was airing, I was intensely disappointed they’d ended it as they did. I felt like there was no closure, just a cliffhanger to leave us wanting forever.

It’s definitely gone from “winking at the audience” to “screaming and holding up a flashing neon sign at the audience”, so yeah, I’m with you.

Right. But it is a religion heavily associated with a “race” in this situation, and the two become indistinguishable for some. Labeling a thing like this as “racist” is not inaccurate.

None of the names even line up with the actors they belong to! o_o

The last point is explained by saying that simply killing her wouldn’t really be enough. The fake memories would linger and it would take a long time for things to go back to normal. The best solution was to keep Bill alive but brain dead, thus rendering the psychic link’s broadcast nothing but a blank, clearing out

You’re absolutely right of course about audience preconceptions. She comes off as just a bit appalling in some of the trailers, and I am glad the reality was better.

I think this is an important misunderstanding that derives from the trailers. (I’m assuming from your “not interested” comment that you haven’t seen the movie itself.)

I’ve seen Demolition Man half a dozen times (mostly the incomprehensibly butchered TV version, admittedly) and at no point is anyone implied to be John Spartan’s daughter. There are many things to call out about this amazing film, but that’s not one of them.

I’ve seen the Doctor’s “President of the World” title described as a “sham” twice now. But it’s not, or at least I think it’s an overly negative description. It’s an expedient. It gives the Doctor the tools and authority to take broad action without interference. It’s not a governing position.

Someone else had the theory that perhaps Trump had already offed himself after reading the Veritas, and the person we saw was someone further down the line of succession. It’s a good theory that fills the hole nicely.

Additional to what others have said, I don’t think Bill knew about regeneration in the first place. We’ve only seen it get the barest mention, and the Doctor very quickly changed the subject rather than elaborate.

Exactly. And before anyone comes around and calls out what he did to save himself in “Journey’s End”, don’t forget that burned an entire regeneration.

Yeah, I called total BS on that, even if it was chillingly and effectively presented. Even if the overall system had only a single random number generator, each individual had enough variables to use to modify the outcome that every single answer could have been unique.

“Despite” assaulting a reporter? I fear it may be a case of “because of”. I ran across a distressing number of examples of people cheering him on specifically because of it. Certain types of people have been thoroughly conditioned to HATE reporters as a group, believing them to be harassing liars who are bent on

I accidentally referred to him as “The President” yesterday and felt terrible afterwards. I was talking to my dad and it just seemed like the easiest way to refer to him. My dad still is not disgusted with his own choice to vote for the man, so....

Either way, I guess my point is that their time travel works on different fundamental principles than time travel via Speed Force. Ergo differences in what you can and can’t do and what the consequences are.

Legends does follow a different set of rules, but it’s largely justified by the fact that they spend a considerable amount of time “outside” of the normal flow of time. The way they time travel is fundamentally different than how a speedster does it.

I always figured the shape-shifter ruse worked in the moment, and then like a week later she was like “What am I? An idiot?” And after that, well, she knew the best way to play it.

Nothing on screen. Maybe something in tie-in material. I know the audio dramas are usually highly regarded. But as in most things, what appears on screen is the final arbiter of canon.

They found the laptop on site. They didn’t know it was there until they were already there, well away from the TARDIS. Before that they were completely unaware there was a translation on a computer to be had. And just generally the TARDIS isn’t portrayed to work the way you seem to be wanting it to work.