
I suppose, if you want, the TARDIS can be a hacking machine that pulls info off computers remotely. But a) they didn’t know the laptop was there until they got there and b) who knows if it had its wifi enabled at all? But beyond that, the TARDIS has only ever been portrayed as providing translation telepathically, and

Seriously, this seems like a silly question on the face of it. She’s The Master for goodness’ sake. What hasn’t she done to deserve execution?

That’s simple enough. You need an input device to actually get the information to be translated in the first place.

Well, the website/app usually lets you stream the stuff via the internet if you have a cable login. So a DVR isn’t strictly necessary. High speed internet is though, I suppose.

Referring to people who watch via DVRs or streaming apps, not live watchers.

Keep in mind your school was one among probably millions. There are still plenty of schools with extremely lax and liberal dress and grooming codes out there. Similarly, there were plenty of them with extremely strict codes when you were in school, whenever that actually was. I know my own schools in the 90s were

Ah, I thought your question was “how can we not see them, as they are vital people in the setting?” and not “how can we expect the producers not to do teasers and cameos.” That is a different thing, indeed.

Gosh knows I’ve been appalled watching my 5yo nephew just tap on every button presented to him, without a moment’s hesitation in games like that. He can’t read them, but I sure as heck can. Apparently noone’s ever taught him that those things sometimes == money spent, and my protests fell on deaf ears. Only a lack of

Yeah, it was just an interesting aside to note (and to avoid someone “correcting” me later). The dress uniform was also green, as was mirror-Kirk’s uniform, though it sometimes appeared gold as well. Clearly the intent was for it to be green, it’s hard to argue with what actually appeared on the TV screens.

Space is big and they weren’t really all that important people yet. So... that’s probably how.

Color consistency has not really been a thing with uniform divisions.

Oh, pff. All of Star Trek has forgotten that the delta symbol was originally specific to one ship. You see that symbol pop up on preceding Earth ships all over the place in later shows. That retcon happened ages ago.

The Kelvin parts of the 2009 movie are my favorite bits. It managed to look and feel like an era that preceded Kirk or even Pike, yet still looked advanced to a 2009 audience and have modern production standards.

Same reason you can’t scan dollar bills. Go on, try it. Your scanner will not cooperate. It’s kind of neat.

Well, the setup and reveal of it was a stunt, no question, but I really did enjoy the relationship they had as written, so I was ok with it.

Oh not at all. It’s depicted as a slow slide, and he’s shown to have many, many chances to turn around and reverse course. But every time he doubles down on it and makes things worse. Usually backed up by Wonder Woman, who ends up generally agreeing that a brutal dictatorship is the way to go. It all makes a sort of

I have always thought of Friday nights as “scifi night”. I made that association so strongly that in the past I’ve been actively disappointed when genre shows would be moved to other nights. Of course now I DVR everything so I rarely watch anything when it actually airs, but in my gut I still sort of expect something

TMP is my favorite Star Trek movie, particularly the Director’s Cut, which fixed some of the pacing issues. But I can understand complaints that it’s too long/slow. This edit does a fantastic job of cutting it down to a quick, digestible length without losing much of the essential essense of the story. I was

The Toy Story movies are some of the most intensely horrifying movies ever made. They are pure existential nightmare.

I really thought that last shot of the space station was going to end with it exploding. Because if the cooling system’s continued operation was tied to life signs, and they no longer were registering because they were gone... BOOM.