
It’s enough to help fill in the category of mecha pilots in a crossover story about 14-year-old mass media characters.

Just saying, that’s like 5 right there.

Those are often the most important questions there are.

It’s been many years since I had any, but I still remember it. The taste is very much like ice cream that has melted and refrozen a few times, like you might scrape off the side of a carton that was left out a little too long between being put back away. The texture is a bit like styrofoam. It sort of squeaks between

That would be Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. I’m not deeply familiar with it (saw a few random episodes), but it features character designs by (Invader Zim’s) Jhonen Vasquez!

Technically it’s a corrupted Gem from Steven Universe, but it seems to be original to the video, representing just generally the sort of monster that tends to be in those shows.

All Evangelion pilots are 14. It’s a plot point.

I read 2 of the 3 “read first” comics meant to go along with this. The Captain America one was reasonably vital, which makes sense since this is an event centered around him, and really is a direct continuation on what’s been happening in his book. The USAvengers one is barely a side-note. Didn’t read the Thunderbolts

Additionally, the movie states again and again that cryo pod failure in this manner is considered so unlikely as to be practically impossible. The computers won’t even consider the idea. The crew member that does wake up is astonished and has to be convinced. And indeed, it ultimately only happens because of a

This is true. I very much dislike Scooby-Doo, and every time I run across one of the movies on Cartoon Network I am briefly excited that there is some interesting looking, semi-realistically stylized, well-animated movie on... then I check the listings and realize it’s Scooby-Doo. Ah well. But yes, they tend to be

Well I mean they’re both cases of the composer needing to make it “the Star Wars theme, but not”. Only so many ways you can go with that.

Wait, it’s not? I got it from Netflix months ago. It was excellent.

I also assumed this. As well as assuming it was a cheap enough item that one could reasonably be expected to actually use it as business cards you give out (IE, no more than a few dollars per unit). Granted, this is a much, much, MUCH nicer version of the game than I imagined, too.

I wish I could be sure I remember eating Hydrox or some other actual off-brand cookie. The ones I remember were unpleasantly stiff compared to Oreos. The taste was different, but not actually worse I suppose. But the texture heartily disagreed with me. I am a very texture-oriented eater.

I’m less bothered by the infinite scroll (though I don’t care for it) than I am by the apparent compression of the displayed comments down to a bare minimum that came with it. It strongly discourages participation. This is one of the few places where I enjoy reading user comments and even participate myself, so that’s

I frequently watch TV with captions just to help me keep up with dialog at varying volumes, or when people have strong accents and speak fast. They are a real help. But they can also be pretty distracting if you’re not relying on them, especially when the timing isn’t perfectly ideal. A caption that pops up a few

I basically agree with your view here. The movie is certainly not a direct adaption of any particular story, and it does have a lot of “mindless action” stuff to pad it out, but it inhabits a universe that feels familiar to Asimov fans, touches a lot of the common tropes, themes, and story elements in his related

I remember the big metal light poles at a park I used to go to as a kid. All you had to do was knock on them with even just your knuckles and they made the most pleasing scifi laser noises. Not exactly the Star Wars blaster sound, but pretty similar. I did that a lot, at every opportunity.

Tough question! I’d be a kid again in a heartbeat. I recall most of pre-puberty to be pretty happy, so I guess I’d be ok redoing the 80s. Of course, once the hormones hit around age 10 stuff went to shit, and I think I’d rather live that part over in the here and now where I’m more likely to find understanding and

Without this episode, I’m not sure I would have ever cared that much about the change in actresses. But I never could buy for one moment that 2nd Aunt Viv had anything like this in her. This sort of thing was in her character in general, but this moment brought it into sharpest focus.