
Typically, Atlanteans are not depicted as communicating telepathically in the comics. They just talk like normal people. Except underwater. Whether or not that would physically work in the real world is a different issue.

No need to be rude. About the 10th time I had to read twice to get my bearings, I was sick of it though.

Please, please stop calling him “Vladimir TrumPutin”. It makes it very confusing to tell who you’re talking about without a close reading.

That is understood. It is simply a matter of degree of acceptability. There is essentially no level of feminine behavior acceptable for a child seen as a boy, transgender or otherwise.

That’s pretty much the same fundamental logic why female same-sex interaction is widely and gladly tolerated in popular media by so many, but male same-sex interaction is still borderline pornographic even in its mildest forms, and when tolerated it usually involves strongly “effiminate” male characters. The

That is absolutely the image (yes, that specific ad) that floated in my head as I started to write. I think that image may overly prompt us to believe that was much more the norm in its time period than it was, as photos do inflate memory, but it didn’t come from nowhere. But I think it almost certainly still exists,

I’m possibly misreading what you’re saying here, but if I have it correct...

I was going to say that maybe we should leave penis-having out as a measure of worth. I also wanted to go on to say something about there being women in the group to help drive down my point. But then I looked it up and discovered that every single current member of the group is a man, and there’s only a single female

In the original 4-episode miniseries, everybody flew. After that they were fairly consistent that only Decepticons could. Won’t claim there were never any exceptions that since continuity wasn’t great, but it’s mostly just those first 4 episodes.

I came in hoping for exactly that, and was disappointed that we got bad superhero Glee instead. I seem to be one of the small minority that wasn’t charmed at all by this episode.

Digimon’s 1st three seasons all ran on Fox. It’s 4th ran on UPN which, while notably lower market share, was not “obscure”. Both had extensive toylines. It did fall into relative obscurity after that (Toon Disney/Disney XD and Nicktoons are rare enough in cable packages that I’ll grant it), though the 6th series aired

What are you talking about? Are you only counting original series stuff and not the followup shows? Because Digimon has aired 6 shows in the US, YuGiOh! had a similar number. Both of which ran until fairly recently.

Did you not hear the music in the trailer? It was a freakin’ NES-style version of that very theme song! My eyes bugged out when I realized. o_o

I’d say it’s already dipping in to that. “I was even in the animated series, and now he forgets me?” etc.

We’ll get any and every file that appears to paint Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other related parties in a bad light. Probably even if we really shouldn’t due to legitimate national security or privacy concerns. And if I’m being paranoid, possibly redacted in such a way to remove context that would mitigate said

Well that would have been three things though.

I’ve noticed while reading the relevant books that they keep trying to suggest that the version of Hydra that Steve Rogers counts himself as a part of due to Cosmic Cube shenanigans is some kind of idealized non-Nazi Hydra. He’s explicitly running counter to the Red Skull, and there have been other bits here and there

Did anyone else hope this was going to be the version of the song from the trailer, with all the overdramatic percussion and whatnot layered in? I was in to that version. This is just a boring rehash.

I actually found the show’s version of Wells charming and appealing, and was heartbroken watching him cry at the bar, all his hopes for the future shattered.

The developer might have liked newer tech monitors better as an option, but the fact of the matter is that they were designed for what was available. Barring cases where development hardware was different than the actual consumer hardware and thus unintended differences popped up, developers would have designed to