
Who is this instructor who can just turn off everybody’s powers at a whim? (And my apologies if she is a known character who is specially able to do this.) Is that HER super power, or is there a machine that does it? Is it specific to each student, or does it work for everybody indiscriminately?

I felt like they laid a lot of things on pretty thick to ensure nobody missed certain character attributes. Happy to see those things getting strong representation, but it seemed to verge into “trying too hard” territory at times.

Oh my gosh, you just gave the wonderful thought of a Disney Princess movie where the Handsome Prince saves the Empowered But Momentarily Disadvantaged Princess, but is actually in a romantic relationship with his (male) Comedy Sidekick.

That’s not even half the missing spaces. I counted 11.

Isn’t that what I said? I mean, I said “some of those moves”, which would seem to indicate I was talking about movement.

Riiight... *ticks off “completely unfounded assumption” on his list* Gotcha.

Huhhh... I suppose I must be getting old. I can’t even really tell what’s CG and what’s not in most of those shots other than gut instinct that an actor in a suit couldn’t pull off some of those moves.

Klingon MUST be enunciated very heavily. A slight change in enunciation can completely change the meaning of a word. It’s an actual thing.

The Justice Lords!

Well, other canon sources would have already had him running off to train by now, but who knows what Gotham may do. As for the 2003 incident, well *shrug* that would mean he’d been operating for almost 15 years. On the other hand, 2003 is the only solid date we have (aside the implied 2017 of the present day).

Counterpoint: it is a parallel Earth to ours. In the Gotham-verse, Wayne Enterprises/LexCorp/Ace Chemicals/somebody developed and marketed Purell earlier than in our reality.

Bruce? Most trained? Not sure I can agree with that. Been at it the longest, sure. But Dick trained as an acrobat since very early childhood, and then trained as Robin from age 12 (or so, depends on who you ask). Hard to pin down adult characters’ ages, but Dick’s in his early 20s and Bruce is in his mid 30s

Is that what that is? I thought it looked like Alpha 6 from Power Rangers. That didn’t seem right though.

I admit I know nothing about how Ms. Post may have decorated it, but the style of that room is entirely a piece with how he has his Trump Tower penthouse decorated, so I think he’s likely owed plenty of credit.

I just want to take a moment to call out the term “energy executives”. Man, that sounds cool. Way cooler and less evil than what we might have once called them: “oil tycoons”. I’m sure it’s not EXACTLY the same, what with diversification and all that, but pretty sure that’s basically it.

It really almost has to be. If it was something radically different, there’d be rampant disappointment from the collector side of things. And this IS the collector-focused line. Something like Prime or RID or whatnot could get away with taking it in a new direction just fine.

Indeed, Full-Tilt transforms, and has a Titan Master named Necro (AKA Wipe-Out, but apparently that name couldn’t be used for whatever reason).

Huh. I kinda see “half-heartedly trying and failing to fake a smile to cover his crippling depression while everyone else has a good time”. But maybe I’m projecting.

What is: the thing I wanted most in the world when I was 7?

Indeed. The blue-white lightning in the first 3 frames is Wally West/Flash’s, the yellow in the last frame seems to be Slade’s, and there’s a few spare red-tinted bolts that correspond to Wally West/Kid Flash (GOSH that is confusing, and I hate them for doing that, LOL), drooping limp from his clenched fist.