
I would like to point out that in the 4th image in that collage, Slade (I assume it’s Slade) is wearing a very speedster-ish lightning themed costume in his colors and style. I assume Something Happens to even things out.

I pretty much read this as an implicit threat. “Maybe in the future I’ll do less good things.”

Nah, they’ll just make up the difference via massive escalation of asset forfeitures.

While the setting and mechanism tips it toward scifi (for me and probably many others, I assume), I suppose it could also be considered fantasy. My point was that the line between fantasy and science fiction is EXTREMELY blurry. You could argue that this short could go either way, but you absolutely can’t rule it out

The line between the two blurs so easily. The hole was created by man’s technology, so it tips to sci-fi.

In current continuity, the Earth-2 version of Grundy is the avatar of the Grey, yes. However, Earth Prime’s Grundy (the one this version is based on) is an immortal zombie made of plant material that rises from the swamp he was killed in anew each time he dies. Different guy.

The final part of your statement 100% redeems your stated preference to eat the rest of the slice with a knife and fork. Carry on, because you’re a hero to us all.

Not to belabor a point, but by strict definition of the word, the US electorate (“all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election”) did NOT elect Donald Trump. The US Electoral College did that, due to the peculiar weighting given to votes in certain regions over others.

In this case I absolutely can overlook that statement, because you’re furthering your position by citing a statement that does not actually support your position.

Did you like TNG at all? Why are you even here?

Note that the person you responded to did not actually SAY “as bad as Hitler.” They said “what if they’d used Hitler.” Be VERY careful when you put words in other peoples’ mouths.

I don’t like to make absolute statements when I don’t have all the facts. I could imagine scenarios where doing that in front of a classroom of students might not be considered inappropriate. I feel like more people should think that way.

At what point did I make a statement of political preference here? In her personal, private time she can have whatever opinion she wants, stated however she likes. Obama, Trump, Washington, Lincoln, Bush, whatever. Unprofessional as hell if she’s doing it in front of kids she’s supposed to be teaching though. Which so

I see you up above wondering I guess if Rick Berman made the show worse. But heck, the whole “humanity is free of conflict and strife” bit is 100% pure, undistilled Roddenberry. If the lack of sin and vice is your sticking point, then you were watching absolutely the wrong show.

The show had a long, long history of Data expressing himself creatively through theater, music, and art, frequently with Picard as a mentor figure and critic, who was of a theatrical bent himself. It was a natural point of connection between the two, and believably something they’d have been doing together in off

I think it’s VERY important to note that (as far as I’ve been able to tell) there’s no evidence one way or the other as to whether or not she was doing this in front of a class full of students. The setting is clearly a classroom, and SOMEONE is filming, but not necessarily students, or during class time.

Female lead alien... Romulan Admiral Donatra? I guess she was ok. I always like bits where they have Romulans acknowledging that they’re not so different from their human enemies, and even work together for a common good. It’s very Cold War.

Indeed! The artistic skill is lacking, but the design sensibility is strong. The article says its by his two sons, which explains why some of the originals are notably more refined than others, but both kids seem to have solid ideas.

Or hey, maybe it was just his recent browser history. :D

Hate that if you want, but that whole musical theater sequence was completely in character and consistent with TNG in general. I’m outright shocked that they did that in a cinematic outing, and honestly pleased by it.