
Regardless of that, the interpretation I implied is in my experience a very common one, and used to justify the treatment of women as baby factories, to block access to contraceptives, and basically anything and everything else that might tie in to reproduction, from strong associations like abortion to weak ones like

Just about the same age, and from Texas. My paternal grandparents did this, exactly. Of course, I only know of times when I was directly present. Who knows what they did when I wasn’t there, but I assume it was enough of a habit that they did it most of the time. I recall it being explained as something they started

If you’re trying to come up with a stance that is too bizarre to be real, you’re failing. I think this is literally the position many of the people in the anti-choice camp take.

Historically, I believe the answer to those questions is:

It’s amazing what a difference the right music and editing makes. That actually makes me want to see it a lot more.

Vigo here seems a fair bit happier to be having his portrait made than Mr. Trump appears to be in his photo.

Oh, no, this isn’t supposed to be “funny” like the Zapp-voiced tweets were, I think. That was mocking. Zapp Brannigan is a figure of actual ridicule. This is more... revealing the true horror of things. A grinning clown who will do all in his considerable power to harm you, simply because it makes him smile.

I agree with your statement.

I am not a film maker, no. But I well know the feeling of having an idea you have no idea how to expand into a fully-formed story.

I’ve become cynical. Somewhere along the line I became less likely to say “wow, that was interesting and this is what I imagine it means” and more likely to say “that was a lazy ending, and the author probably had a concept they couldn’t figure out how to finish”. I did, however, enjoy this. My cynicism doesn’t really

Like Veras said, you can’t rush art. *cough*

They so rarely do. I feel like the people who make these things believe it will seem deeper and more meaningful or more clever if they leave the endings ambiguous. I guess the theory is that the story the viewer imagines is better than anything they could have come up with?

Yes, absolutely Glee. I had to scroll through to see if anyone else mentioned it first. I did enjoy (most of) the musical numbers, and there were just enough enjoyable plot hooks to get myself watching once someone sort of tricked me into starting... but eventually I grew to hate it, yet couldn’t make myself stop

Hah, nice.

Aaaaand they took an axe to it and disposed of it in the woods, never speaking of it again until now. But they all knew... they all remembered. Unspoken dread bonded them forever, yet drove them inevitably apart.

15? That’s WAY too long for Twitter. I’d suggest less than a minute.

I literally only clicked to find out what it was. I really didn’t want to see any more of it. Just understand. Mission failed.

It reminds me very much of the Play Arts Kai Flash figure. Which of course is meant to be essentially a Final Fantasy style armored version, and is not a place any mainstream version of the Flash should be starting from. But it’s cool, and I like it taken in isolation.

Here’s the real one.

Hardly false. Grandma knows your coming. Grandma knows you expect cookies. So Grandma makes them. Sure, Grandma enjoys baking and loves you, but it’s still work. Work she wouldn’t be doing if you weren’t coming. Just because she does it before you got there maybe, or does it with a smile when you get there doesn’t