
I think that’s actually a case of misunderstanding. The author of the piece here does name check those two species, but it’s not in service of illustrating the trend proposed in the study. They’re mentioned only as examples of the extreme variation in sizes of the bone. No other relationship is stated or

You’ve missed the point of my response. The key thing to understand is that while a factor may have a generally observable and typically predictable evolutionary outcome, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Other factors may exist that modify or even negate the effect. This doesn’t mean the original factor’s effect isn’t

The basic answer to your initial question is that the behavior you refer to (seeking after bedmates who can last longer) is not strongly selective for reproduction. It is an ideal for some, but it’s a very, very limited factor. Moreover, it’s something of a modern one, I would think. At least in terms of the

No no, you’ve made a fundamental error in logic. It says that monogomy drove that in humans, NOT that it drives it universally. It can’t be assumed that a factor that drives an evolutionary change in one species will universally have the same effect in all others. You’re failing to take into account other factors.

This really did grab me, and it’s not the first time he’s said it. I can’t fathom that he 1) thinks that’s a valid way to talk about the “optics” of a thing or that 2) he thinks it’s appropriate to TALK about something just being for the “optics”. That’s one of those polite fictions we all know exists but we pretend

They might, but I’m sure it would become complicated considering how often they tend to lose their business/fortune to a rival/supervillain/etc. I mean, eventually everybody forgets that ever happened, but in the thick of it, it’s got to be a little problematic.

Ah, thanks again! Above and beyond the call there. :)

You don’t, but only because it’s so well documented. I called this out in particular because it was clipped from an article and presented as fact, yet there was no attribution. That’s exactly the way “fake news” tends to get distributed around. I am generally familiar with Alex Jones and have no trouble believing he’d

Thanks, it helps to have a source link to a clip like that. Otherwise it just seems like a baseless, fake claim.

Not everyone is necessarily “falling for” fake news. For some, there’s simply so much of it that they stop believing ANY news source, so whatever beliefs they manage to internalize become the only thing they trust. That’s what’s happened to my dad. He occasionally struggles with his far-right viewpoints, but it’s

Not that I disbelieve you exactly, but a citation is needed here. If only to avoid becoming exactly what is hated.

It can be two things!

“American” cheese is a very specific acquired taste. It is not “good” cheese by ANY stretch, but if it’s something you were raised on? Sometimes you just crave it.

People are not. Universal, however, has been clamoring for it for decades. They’ve got this back catalog and THEY’RE GOING TO USE IT, gosh darnit.

Oh Drax, you are a treasure!

Hey, SyFy today is not the same as it was when they made the choice to rebrand as “SyFy” in the first place. They’ve gone back to doing pretty good science fiction programming. I guess whoever it was they put in charge that hated scifi is gone?

That’s what good YA should be.

I think it really depends on how much damage he does, which can be considerable even without having the direct power to act on things he says. Especially in terms of international relations. I am certainly concerned to see how it all plays out.

Keyword is “successful”. Trump’s companies appear to be a string of failures that he was just barely clever enough to get out in front of and on to the next one before he was dragged down by their collapse.

“Not my President” just sounds like you’re writing him off and hoping the next person fixes things. Or, alternatively, you’re advocating a coup, and honestly I just don’t think we’re quite to THAT point yet. Time will tell.