
Then you’re just ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. My plan is to try and make an effort to scream to whoever will listen each and every time he does something that violates his role in the office.

I just see people making statements like that as a clear excuse to dismiss any personal stake in whatever happens, not unlike ignoring it and hoping it goes away. Maybe it’s a semantics thing. Maybe it’s not true in your case.

I am in a fundamentally similar situation. The district I live in is represented by one of the most individually reprehensable people serving in the House in fact. Even so, I don’t see how denying reality, even on a purely emotional level, can possibly help, and I do see how it can hurt. You as an individual may be

I don’t misunderstand at all. Simply responding in the spirit of my original post. You responded to a factual statement with an emotional, metaphorical one. I just responded back with facts. He may not be the President you find acceptable for office, but he’ll be the one you HAVE, and all the petulant declarations to

He will literally, legally be President once sworn in. That’s a simple fact. That doesn’t make him worthy of respect or immune to protest. Denial doesn’t help change things. If anything, it helps immunize him from criticism. Acknowledging he holds the office and then holding him accountable if (when?) he violates it

Moreover he is NOT. YET. THE PRESIDENT. Lost the popular vote badly, so they can’t claim it on that metric. The electoral vote is still a ways off, though he will probably still be elected there. Essentially I will not be accepting he is the President until he is legally sworn in as President. After that I will accept

Indeed! This was not a take on For The Man Who Has Everything. If anything, it was much more similar to a take on the BTAS episode Perchance To Dream, in which Bruce Wayne finds himself in a world where his parents never died, he’s engaged to Selena Kyle, and someone else is the Batman.

I believe it is most likely that the people who really, really push for this stuff are people who believe a woman should never HAVE periods in the first place, because they should be pregnant at all times. The notion that a woman is anything other than a factory for more babies is unthinkable. The fact that they do

While the term eventually became used generally enough to encompass X himself, it was initially meant to indicate androids built modeled on X (“replicating” him). He was the fundamental original prototype for that type of thinking machine, predating the term.

Your definition of “fanboys” is apparently. Different. Than. Mine.

A loud and unpleasant, but small minority. It’s unfortunate that a tiny toxic few can have such a strong effect. There are great, huge outpourings of love, especially for the original films. There are also very legitimate criticisms and critique out there. It seems as though the calm and reasoned critics get rolled in

Aw, come on. This is just reductive. Sure, there are some awful fans who can be very unpleasant, but there are many many more who are equally enthusiastically supportive, and all points inbetween.

It frustrates me greatly that these things are not only frequently untaught or understated, but also that people call for them to be minimized or ignored in favor of glorifying the state.

My main point is that this is going to be a short-form adaption of a very long form story. There’s a good chance they’ll change a LOT. Characters, even massively important ones, will be omitted, altered, combined with others. It may not even follow a familiar storyline, or if it does, it may only follow the broad

Quite possibly they will deal with this by not including it in the narrative at all. Especially as it doesn’t translate very naturally to live action, given that real peoples’ eye color is rarely so distinct and distinguishable that it will stand out well on the screen. Not unless you really push hard on it, stylizing

X was, by definition, not a Reploid. Because Reploids are all patterned off of X. Or so I recall it, anyway.

You know, when Universe ended, I was very upset they’d left us on such a huge cliffhanger and no end in sight. Then, on a rewatch, I decided that the penultimate episode was actually a beautiful final epsiode for the series, even if it didn’t wrap the real story, and the last episode was a great goodbye, even with the

Or possibly just didn’t care, and considered them entirely disposable. Lots of historical precedent for companies behaving that way.

“Atheist” has become a loaded word politically, taking on a pseudo-religious philosophical quality of actively rejecting religion. So “nontheist” seems to be becoming a term of choice for those who don’t acknowledge a religion, but also don’t make a sort of religion out of doing so.

I have a very good friend who is just a handful of years older than Alex (or at least the actress who plays her) who had basically exactly the same experience as Alex. Lived her whole life, up through late adulthood, being “straight”, having relationships with men, so on and so forth, never really enjoying being