
maybe ive seen too much Ken Block, but it looks slow for some reason. Maybe because there are few large stationary objects to drive by. it looked twice as fast once it got to the beach and you could see it racing across the sand with the water break.

I like the debadged look no matter the relative spec of the vehicle.

I don’t think anyone would be fooled into thinking a Leaf is anything other than a Leaf. The shape does the talking for it. If anything, they might think it’s a Versa or something. Honestly, I don’t give a shit what people think it is.

Agreed. 95% of debadged cars I see are BMW or Audi base models with aftermarket wheels and lowering springs, undoubtedly trying to masquerade as an M or S model. 

I dislike EA but I don’t see this really mattering much. Racing games are a dying breed and have more status now as a niche similar to flight simulator games.

Don’t need to learn this, as i have been doing
this for years. I just dislike the jolt when not doing it. On the other hand i have used the soft suspension and the final jolt as a way to roll backwards a bit by fully releasing the brake the moment the jolt hits.

Hmmm that does sound like a good idea...if only someone where to offer such a service... :)

I want this level of info for every luxury brand. Ever try to find a used BMW with a Driver Assist Plus package? Not fun.

Common maintenance? Cool. Probably something a car blogger should know.

As a Moderator and someone who’s devoted WAY too much time to oppo I am incredibly saddened. I’ve made some wonderful lifelong virtual and real life friends from oppo. Its taught me alot from forcing me to look into technical subjects, to forcing me to re-examine my believes in people. I’ve learned to be more

Oh boy. I’m posted a LOT of stuff to Oppo over the last 10 years or so. Once Kinja came in and offered us all blogs, I hotlinked a LOT of images to stuff I posted in here.

As corny as it may sound, Oppo has filled a gap in many lives, mine included. It’s one of the few corners of the internet where things are kept civil. I’ve had the good fortune to interact with some fantastic people over the years and it really has become like a big family to me. We’ve supported so many of our

Just beautiful. Thank you.

I’m not opposed to eating at a place like Carrabba’s. If it’s what you have around you, the food is good, but not great. You’ll pay $13.99 for a well executed pasta dish, and a $7 glass of wine.

since the 718 Boxster is aimed more at people who pretend to care about driving dynamics.

Mazda Miata has entered the chat

I read the headline and then scrolled down to jam the NP button, what’d I miss?