
The narrow streets got to me in England (P38 Rover), but it wasn’t until I drove off the ferry in France that I got really nervous. Making lefts from the right when you drive on the right side of the road.. no thanks

Would hate to be that reporters husband.

haha “the” 76

The “I’m going to a car show to try and kill some people” starter kit.

This is awesome! My wife had my wedding band made out F1 race used carbon fiber. I don’t think she has any idea what goes into these cars, now I can show her.

He only spent two weekends in jail, and already has another dune buggy. Whoop de doo

I used to tout Subaru’s AWD over haldex because symmetrical, 50:50 right? Now that I have spent some time in a haldex car I know that when it’s “time to shine” it does. Meanwhile I average 24 mpg in a car with a 300 horse turbo 4. I got less than 15 mpg when I had an STi and not much better in the WRX before it.

Those seats are the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

Parking in Philadelphia is the worst. The PPA is basically an organized crime syndicate

Came here to say this.

A non-issue as these cars car the sex

Amen. RWB etc... such trash.

I have yet to drive a car with electronic steering that I though “yep this is as good as a hydraulic rack.” S3 included. The BRZ is the only car that comes close.

Honestly I would have felt the same way about the E90, I wanted to, but I got a bad egg. The new inde mechanic that I have been taking the E46 to had the exact opposite experience. His E46 was trash and his E90 is a gem.

I will have owned mine for 10 years in February, just can’t quit it. A year ago I had both the E46 and an E90 M3, and I traded the E90. Flamesuit on.

It is amazing that Nikki made lived through that crash, but also makes the death of Sean Edwards a little more tragic. Guy Edwards saves a guy from a racing crash, only to lose his son in a racing crash. Life just is not fair sometimes.

I Like This!

Kobe definitely not high.