
That shot is from Batman & Robin, not Batman Forever.

Idk. It feels like we all just collectively won the “Made you look!” game.

I very much enjoyed having to guess why the hell Brad Pitt was commenting on this.

Sooooo.....Point Break?

Wait. I’m totally confused here, and I’m not being snarky about that. I’m being genuine. The writer seems to think Dev Patel played the protagonist in Life of Pi (“he’s navigated onscreen situations as dicey as being lost at sea with a tiger”), but that wasn’t him. (He was way too old for the role at that point.)

Imagining Reeves and Swayze as John Wick and James Dalton meeting each other and being low-key star struck in their own zen way is something I’m so sad I’ll never get the chance to see now.

Considering how antagonistic we are toward the writers, editors, and executives, I’m just amazed it didn’t happen sooner. But I think it’d be great if it all just turned into a long-term game of comradely snarking.

Okay, the AVClub reaching the point where its headlines are overtly antagonistic towards the readers and commenters is pretty dang funny.

Correction: Dalton was the Cooler, all the other guys were the bouncers.

And the part of Victor’s father will be played by, you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Should the creator of the character get credit/money when that character is used in films?

Comix fans say yay, Rocky fans accuse him of being a has-been and overly greedy.

Hoi polloi doesn't mean rich people. It means the masses.

Hey, I’m not defending it. I was just providing a very simplified explanation on how it works for people who don’t know, without even trying to get into how owning/leasing a plane works business wise. The only upside is it employs a lot of regular people making regular people money.

keep an eye on the flight times of the hoi polloi

This is absolutely a tempest in a teacup, and anti-environmentalist bullshit brought to you by the same folks who shitpost “how can you care about wind energy? do you know how many birds are killed by wind turbines??” all day on twitter.

hoi polloi” refers to regular folk like you and me, not the ultra rich.

Sorry to be the grammar police, but you used hoi polloi backwards. It refers to the “common folk” like you and me, so I doubt “a whole little cottage industry of blogs and accounts that keep an eye on the flight times of the hoi polloi” would be very interesting.

hoi polloi doesn’t mean “the rich”, it means “the people”, as in rabble, the common man, etc.

Can we just start a new wave of surnames with future themes? Like, how would we go about that? Just start a new generation of last names like “Jetson” and “Asteroidsmith” and “Holograham”, try to kickstart the flying cars and dome cities that way.