
That’s a pretty stretched definition of the era. Like, if you’re talking all-time, fine. But if you’re going to put it head-to-head in the ‘00s, you’ve got to take, like seasons 15-21.

I think you definitely have to trim a chunk off the end of P&R (when it turned into look-at-how-everyone-is-rewarded-beyond-their-wildest-dreams).
Then again, that might be true of 30 Rock as well, I don’t think I was still watching to the last season.

In addition, I would also encourage people not to read too much into people crediting the show as their inspiration into politics during interviews. It’s exactly the kind of thing that policticians would have as a practiced response because it makes them sound idealistic and open and relatable and because what else

No update, still foxy to Pavement. Are they foxy to you?

Yeah, if someone told me at a party that they thought The Martian was a better-executed version of Apollo 13, I think I would just walk away from the conversation entirely. That’s just a ludicrous assertion.

Thank you! I thought I was going to be alone here pointing the spotlight on That Thing You Do!

Bogart made it work.
Maybe it’ll be a period piece?

Aiden dropped out of the top-10 years ago (currently only 26th) . You may update your joke with one the following: Liam, Noah, Oliver, Elijah, or James (which aliterates)

Very rough numbers, but in 2021 there were almost 200,000 private jet flights in the US. That was a 25% spike from years past, putting typical numbers around 160,000 or very nearly exactly 1% of the 16 million flights. 

I mean, Lufthansa flew more than 18,000 unnecessary flights during the pandemic to maintain their gate slots. There were still 500 ghost flights per month running through the UK at the end of 2021. The scale of the airline industry truly makes it difficult for any one person, no matter how wasteful, to register a

Yeah, availability is almost certainly a bigger limiting factor than cost in this scenario.

I’m assuming she doesn’t actually fly on her private jet super regularly and has a management company that rents it out for chartered flights—in which case, the environmental hit should reflect primarily on those users.

Also the hoi part literally means ‘the’ and does not need to be preceeded by another definite article in English.
We don’t say “living the la vida loca.

Drake was hit specifically for his jet taking short hop flights. A 14-minute flight across Toronto, for example, that produced over a ton of CO2. His defense was that there weren’t any passengers onboard, not even himself. I.e. this wasn’t a ‘trip’ it was being moved for a logistical reasons to a different parking

Eh... they made some kind of noodlish wheat-dough thing, but you don’t get anything like pasta arriving until in the 9th century, from the Arab conquest of Sicily.

Corollary of Betteridge’s Law.

Corollary of Betteridge’s Law.

Yeah, even this article basically only uses Out of Sight as evidence.


Wakanda is typically depicted on the northern half of Lake Turkana. It is a salt lake, but has no outlet, so is not connected to the sea in any way.