
“With Biden having carried through immediately upon taking office on his campaign promises to choke off oil production...”

Weird choice to hyperlink the word rape in that HST excerpt... Copy-paste from another source without reformatting?

Either that or she and Waititi have some brilliant embezzlement scheme going on.

They don’t keep a catalog, but (dumbing it down) look for patterns. It does need to see a lot of variants of the stop sign, but this is more to recognize how wide a range of patterns fall within the stop sign category.

This is a shameless appeal (by a long-standing and civil AVC and Takeout commenter) to get ungreyed here as well.

Sensible advice, but practically useless. You can make your slogan “ban traffic” but opponents will still say “the left want to conspire to TAKE YOUR CAR AWAY!!!

“Transform Transportation” says nothing. It’s so vague as to be not representative of anything at all, it could equally be the slogan for banning cars or for building a new, 12-lane freeway interchange downtown.

you also need to invest significant amounts of money in high quality, reliable, safe and efficient public transit.”

Of course you can always keep slicing down until you reach the conclusion that nothing contributes in any meaningful way...

Just adding to say that one doesn’t have to go as far as Europe to see this work. The well-urbanized parts of Pittsburgh, for example, also operate this way:

Instead of going back to village-style living, we could also catch up to the 21st century. Singapore (population 5.3 Million) has almost 2/3 of all trips taken during peak hours by public transit. There are 135 miles of fully-automated metros, with plans to add another 90 by 2030.

This is an incredibly rose-colored view, partially—or at least, theoretically—true, but ignoring way the actual increases in segregation that occurred.
Actual urban segregation (by dissimilarity) increased most dramatically from 1910-1930, the first big car ownership surge. This leveled off, but isolation, which had

I’m about 10 years younger than you but remember watching The Munsters on Nick at Nite but not strongly enough to particularly want to revisit it (has The Munsters been reairing on those free basic cable rerun channels? maybe there’s some lingering familiarity there).
The Little Rascals is a good comparison though,

Even Vader was like, “wha???”

Star Wars is the connected team up, and breaking off solo films/series ought to work—that’s basically what the EU was, right?

Acting like Thom Browne hasn’t been out here for, like, 20 years.

Chris Pratt can eat no fat
And Pine can eat no lean...

“As my lawyer, Lionel Hutz, said: Nothing? Could be further from the truth.”

He’s not even the most famous person assoiciated with Zoe Church:

Both Ornato and Engel have already testified in private session, dude.