
IF ANYONE REALLY CARED ABOUT THE HEALTH OF BLACK MOTHERS!, they would advocate that Black men quit making them pregnant and leaving them to fend for themselves! Currently, 75% of all Black babies are born to unwed mothers which means they are born into poverty with only one parent to care for them and the one parent

I wonder what percent of the greatest Black quarterbacks were raised by unwed mothers and what percent had very involved fathers like the current coach for the football team for the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado


YES! “None of these 22 Black people should have lost their lives to such hate.

The article claims there were almost 800 homicides in Chicago in Chicago and 80% of them were black victims who are almost always killed by other blacks. If black lives matter, why aren’t there some demonstrations and other activities to take action to reduce the number of blacks killed by other blacks? Why do blacks

By only publishing Oher’s point of view today, the Root ignores the charge against Oher that he threatened to tell his “truth” about the family that helped him if they didn’t pay him a huge bribe. If they can document that he demanded money or he would ruin their reputation, he appears to be more of bad guy than a

Blacks are only about 14% of population of the USA, BUT they commit about 50% of all homicides in the USA. The statistic that I would like to know is what percent of those committing homicides were born to and raised by unwed mothers. I would bet that the Root will never be able to find that statistic or publish it,

How sad that the initial inspiring story of a white couple helping a black boy succeed is now tarnished forever by the claim that “His response was to threaten them, including saying that he would plant a negative story about them in the press unless they paid him $15 million.”

Here is an article about a black celeb that the Root should publish, but probably won’t publish.

Of course her goal is to get passed into law on the federal level, a guaranteed income program which will probably cause the rate of black babies born to unwed mothers to increase from the current 75% to at least 95% and then there will still be abused and neglected children. Why not use the money to help women AVOID b

What is the difference between labeling someone a “Karen” or someone a “Nigger”? Aren’t both labels primarily given as thoughtless unkind putdowns?

If the child (or more likely her parent) was shocked by the poster, it would be interesting to see her reaction if she saw the friendly relations between our 20 grandchildren who are black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, white and some combinations of different races. In our 2-block neighborhood in San Jose, we have even

Legally treating all races, all colors, and all sexes the SAME is not a Jim Crow comeback!

For several years I’ve followed this site and have noticed that every bad white police action is covered, BUT I have never seen any articles about the blacks killed or hurt by other blacks. Don’t they matter? How many of black killers get off free? Blacks commit about 50% of all homicides, although they are only

Both Trump and Biden are TERRIBLE choices! Surely the people of the USA can find someone better than either Trump or Biden! Someone who doesn’t have a son with whom he has managed to get several millions from both the Ukraine and the  Chinese government for Joe Biden’s influence.

What she did was STUPID, but nothing compared to what the Bidens get away with!

I wish The Root would address how Americans of all colors should address the fact that 50% of all homicides are committed by Black Americans, although Black Americans are only about 14% of the population. How should ALL Americans refer to the Black Americans doing 50% of all homicides?

I hope she writes a book for her son and other children of all colors that addresses the fact that 75% of black children are now being born to unwed mothers. Perhaps the book could be titled “Where have all the fathers gone?” and it would help him to have compassion for children who don’t have fathers like he has.

Why doesn’t The Root recommend the impeachment of Biden, since Biden and his son, Hunter, have been getting megabucks from Chinese?

Angela are there any books discussing the damage done by having about 75% of all Black babies born to unwed mothers? What are the chances of an unwed mother being the type of woman who can raise children who are emotionally, intellectually, and physically capable of becoming functioning adults? I see nothing but