So true. It is sad that in 2016 we as a society haven’t learned that if it isn’t yours and you don’t have permission don’t touch. Rape culture is so ingrained in many peoples morals that I fear it will take a generation or two to slay this demon.
So true. It is sad that in 2016 we as a society haven’t learned that if it isn’t yours and you don’t have permission don’t touch. Rape culture is so ingrained in many peoples morals that I fear it will take a generation or two to slay this demon.
i try not to think im better than anyone else, but fuck man...we get michelle and they get porn pranks? we are fucking lucky to be who we are.
i was just saying, the emotions i felt listening to this is like when you are really upset and someone hugs you and tells you they understand, and it only makes you cry harder. Those were the tears. Understanding, validation, acceptance.
Her genius is never letting his name skip past her teeth. She is demoting him to the base animal he is and deserves to be thought. You only hear proper names in praise from her. Hillary she praises, “Barack” (her term not mine) she praises, Bill she praises. If you notice she also only uses their first names as to…
I wept at my desk as I listened. Too much of what Michelle said resonated. I remembered the times when I was followed to my car by a man I did not know. The times when a strange man stared just a little too long. The time when a man asked to see my chest in exchange for the product I was buying. The times (yes,…
God, I fucking love her. She is fierce. She is amazing. I’m not the kind of woman who has role models, but Michelle Obama makes me want to be a better person.
You can take comfort in the fact that a lot of places like Men’s Wearhouse and Jos A. Bank throw in the cost of men’s tailoring as a part of the suit cost ... in contrast to what they (don’t) do for us, which is one of the reasons our clothes cost about 3x as much even though we get 77 cents on your dollar (64 for…
This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:
I think it’s about putting women - and minorities- back in “their place”. Both Trump and Pence have signaled their disgust with civil rights progress for women and minorities. I think that’s far more important to evangelicals than Trump’s personal history, because he’s a man, so he gets a pass.
Pro Hash!