
"Jeep, LR biggest competitor"....Really?!?!?

"Jeep, LR biggest competitor"....Really?!?!?

"Jeep, LR biggest competitor"....Really?!?!?

"Jeep, LR biggest competitor"....Really?!?!?

Oh wow....except for the glass on the lower floors, they've been building houses on stilts (living level raised above the ground) like that in the Caribbean for decades. Nearly every house located near the beach or a river is raised 8-10 ft above the ground in case of floods. Most of the houses are built using

Got to laugh at all on here that saying the same things could be achieve through the use of makeup. Trust me if it could have been it would have....this is beyond what makeup can hide.

OMG.....their speech is even more boring than their device. Notice sometimes they have to clap to encourage the audience to clap.....

So remember in 8-Mile when they were fighting (Apple vs Android tablets) and then Cheddar Bob pulls out a gun (Microsoft showing off the Surface) and then when he puts it back in his pants he shoots himself in the leg (Microsoft if the release at that price point) and he looked like a fool?

Hey can I get a sample of what you smoking....cause it really must be some good shit....LOL

All these adds do is remind me of the clutter and confusion associated with Microsoft products. They should have focused more on the phone and what it can do. As an outside (non-tech) person, after viewing these ads I have no idea what the OS looks like or what one of the phone look like. Really, you'd think they

So basically Chevy is gearing up for "Who Killed the Electric Car part II"