Trine Dissing Paulsen

Chaos can also become so severe that LF can't control it. that's the problem with chaos - you might initially benefit if you're an ambitious power player but it can also bite you in the ass if it has gotten to a point where it can't be contained by a single person.

"Here, it is used for shock yes, but I trust that Sansa will be affected by it in a believable and appropriate way."

Personally, I found the Jeyne Pool story line just as awful and horrific in the books.

That kind of storyline has its own problems because it would feed into the rape-revenge trope, which frankly is a trite, lazy and sexist way to frame female empowerment.

This is one of the big problems that I have with Martin's books. it isn't just that the background of the major narratives is wallpapered with rape but also that he depicts some of these "background" rapes in a lurid and grotesque manner that has far more to do with Grand Guignol than "realism".