No, it’s very much questionable. I can’t stand it as an organizational principle (I like a rough arrangement by type and topic, and my work-related books are within easy reach of my computer) but I also think it looks like crap.
No, it’s very much questionable. I can’t stand it as an organizational principle (I like a rough arrangement by type and topic, and my work-related books are within easy reach of my computer) but I also think it looks like crap.
I’m straight and my reaction is “who are these people?” as well. So there’s that. Performing the worst leftover shit from a script where “romance” equates to distrust is just repulsive.
I am by several definitions a hedonistic hobbit, so I guess that’s where I sit. I pair drinks with food sometimes, and I sometimes stumble into a “holy shit, this is wonderful with that” pairing (brownies and baco noir; perogies and riesling) but mostly I just have a drink and a snack and if it doesn’t go together,…
His name should be Bud. I’m just sayin’.
But Victor was interested in creating a man, and he created the creature to be beautiful—a eunuch would have been an abomination in context, and he was super-anxious about the idea of that mate and the inevitable procreation between the two creatures.
There’s actually some academic discussion of this. Victor makes his creature out of bits and pieces—some human, some animal—and the human corpses are likely of poorer people (given the graverobbing market at the time to supply anatomy schools—rich people spent a lot of money to keep their bodies intact). There is also…
Okay, I’m looking and can’t find it--I think I found the start of it but it cuts off before you introduce the other site.
Hey Maya—no, I didn’t get that message about another place, but I’m happy to try things if I can figure out the tech and don’t have to get a social media account. A few weeks ago, Julia started a Discord chat and that was fun (I don’t know if I’d have to create another account to get in though, since I am a hopeless…
Well, bleh on your mom, as always. And hell no she ain’t staying at your place. But I’m so glad to hear that things are going well with your girlfriend. And not to wish illness on anyone (let alone a woman who sounds like a lovely person), but there’s something to be said for getting through the first time someone is…
Hi Maya—it’s nice to see you, so there’s that, even though yes, this does suck (I’m not sticking around tonight, gonna take my migraine offline in a bit, but I really wanted to check in and say hi). I have really valued coming here over the last few years, and this is just sad.
Hell yeah. She’s 95, widowed, and her descendants range anywhere from highly strung to outright horror shows. Let her drink herself into oblivion if she wants to, and roll her a joint to relax.
Bingo—and I’ve started to feel that one pressing on me. I’m fine, at least for now (my time might be coming; I’m comfortably middle class but not rich, and I’m the only one in the family making money. Also, academics tent to get thrown to the wolves in times of chaos). But I’m also a “bootstrap” story, with all of its…
(Spoiler alert) The other important point in Squid Game is that the games are not completely out of people’s control—at some point in the game, if you survive long enough, you have to screw other people over to give yourself a chance of living. You become actively complicit in the other competitors’ deaths. This only…
No idea what you’re talking about, but just taking the opportunity to say hi! ;-)
I’m glad that things seem to be going well, difficult cleaning and emotional ghosts in the apartment notwithstanding. Yayyy for the new girlfriend, and also yayyy for a general uptick in life (knock on wood of course).
You aren’t a bad neighbour. Bad neighbours are problems. You are a keep-to-yourself neighbour, and that’s just fine. I’m partly that too. I really see a cultural shift on my street, and I think it’s kind of a microcosm of our social lives in general. My husband and I moved onto this street something like 24 years…
Oh my, Trapper is a brave good boy. What happened to him?
Yep, that’d do nicely.