But I love her dress.
But I love her dress.
As others have pointed out, the legal age of consent does matter. It’s not a good legal age, but it’s one that has evolved with the times. And yes, it did make young girls fair legal game for adult men, but it also reflected the reality in a lot of the world that teenagers were getting married and many…
She’s likely talking about record industry people back in her teens—she had a career as a pop singer in Canada (as “Alanis”) which was highly produced, and she was manipulated and packaged and abused, and Jagged Little Pill was at least partly in response to that experience. But I think that actor is just a jackass…
I think it’s less about “freedom” for some people than about some weirdass mix of irrational belief in their own invulnerability and perhaps PTSD, mixed with a strangely macho working environment. My mom was an OR nurse for most of her career, and she worked in ER before that. She smoked until several years ago, and…
My words exactly.
I wish it worked too, although I don’t tend to check the greys (I checked once and got an eyeful of something truly disturbing, so I wait until comments are vetted). So this is really just a chance to say hi and I hope all is well. . .
Oh lord I know. My best friend is working on getting her partner up here, and it is a complete red-tape nightmare, not helped at all by this fucking pandemic.
That’s fucking awesome! You look great (and there’s nothing like feeling good in a bathing suit).
Yep, I hear ya on the good fit--you have to consider the cats you already have. This is why I currently only have one. It wouldn’t be fair to her to bring in anyone else.
That’s a big difference and it’s important, mostly because all but the most crackpot Canadians value our healthcare system (Tommy Douglas, founder of that system, was voted “the Greatest Canadian” a few years back)—the problem, of course, is that the Conservatives are still happy to enable “innovation” in the form of…
Are you from Brantford by any chance? Just wondering because I’m from there (and it used to be NDP to the core, back when Massey Ferguson was there—I got to meet Ed Broadbent at my high school).
If I could star this more than once I would. I deeply miss a less divisive political environment. Recently, a past premier of Ontario, Bill Davis, died. He was Conservative (back when the conservative party were the “Progressive Conservatives” and not just the “Conservatives”—and there was a distinct and very good…
Hey, good luck on the citizenship!
I second oldwomanyellsatclods’ congratulations! Yayy for your citizenship!
I’m Canadian and still figuring it out ;-).
I hear ya—I voted NDP because my perfectly decent Liberal incumbent is likely going to win again anyway (knock on wood) so I decided I could afford to vote my conscience, but in this election you never know. If lawn signs are any indication, the riding next to mine might go Green, and that’s okay too.
You sure you can’t send Dennis to me?
Gotcha--that does put a wrench in things, but if you’re enjoying it, why not enjoy it? Granted, I’m a big old soppy romantic, but you only live once and real human connection is one of the greatest joys out there.
So what are people up to tonight? I just got back from voting (Canada is having a very very stupid federal election and the advance polls run from yesterday to Monday). There were reports of long lineups in the advance polls but I got in with only a couple of university students ahead of me—they had to get their voter…