
This sounds uncomplicatedly cool (the date, not your mother, dear lord and I’m sorry to hear it).  YAYYY for good dates. Enjoy!

No fun at all--I’d put some heat on the pulled muscle before it gets too sore.  And is your dog at least sheepish about everything? 

That sounds like a pretty damn good opening night--congratulations!  And break a leg tonight.

Can we just postpone it to, oh, 2030?

Thanks—I was responding to the original poster’s comments about a person exposing a penis in a “woman’s” area and the idea that this itself is a problem (and the quotation marks seemed to focus attention on the notion of “woman” and to problematize Merager’s identity).


One of the things we have to be clear about here is that Darren Agee Merager is not representative of trans women, regardless of what they have done or their gender identity—and anyone can commit acts of indecency and assault. One of the things we do when we stereotype people is refuse to see them as individuals the

You put this beautifully, and I agree. Also, as a cisgender woman who was unable to have children (this wasn’t a problem for me since I also wanted to be childfree), you are right on that front as well. I am doubly “not woman” in that I’m now menopausal (which sounds silly as hell, but it is a real thing in a lot of

The TERF movement has always driven me up a wall, even before it was labelled as such. I remember my graduate course on feminist theory, some thirty years ago (my first, oh-god-I-love-you exposure to Butler, who continues to be wonderful). There was a sharp division between people doing the philosophical work Butler

Can we consider Arya Stark’s dinner for Walder Frey a contender?

No problem--Mark Hamill is a beacon in the universe (also, I have been re-watching Star Wars movies in order to cope with things right now).

Mark Hamill!

I’d take it, though.  One of my major reasons for drinking moderately is that I want to still be able to have a glass of wine when I’m 100.

A small request, but something I’d like to see take off—could we start referring to this douche as Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor?  (I’d prefer “the defendant” but this will do for now. . .)

Shit yeah. Superficiality has always been a problem, but it has been packaged to people so very, very successfully by social media. I can’t imagine being young right now, trying to connect to people, trying to start a career.  It’s incomprehensible.  Add to that the fact that I’m plain and opinionated, and I’d be

You’ve got a point here. We’ve got a cultural emphasis on looks that has really created something dangerous lately— a weird intersection of looks as commodity and industry and currency, together with that increasing notion of each other as easily replaceable. And it’s a huge disappointment to people who invest in

“Taking it a tad too seriously” is what we do with music and our affiliations (at least this is what we do when we’re young). When I was in high school, you absolutely drew sides re. your musical tastes. We were Capulets and Montagues, and if you were a rocker you did not speak to anyone who listened to New Wave, and

The king of polka is Walter Ostenek.  Weird Al is either the ambassador or the court jester, depending on your viewpoint (or maybe he’s both--this is polka after all).

Hell fuckin’ yeah.

I agree that Ed Asner’s best work wasn’t summed up in Mary Tyler Moore, and I did like his work in UP, but I think his best work was as the SAG president. He was an interesting actor but everything points to him being an even better human being.