
There is a very good reason to own an Xbox over gaming PC. Money. Lots of money. To get performance comparable to the X, you would need to spend at least twice what you would pay for the X. Additionally, it saves you the hassle of optimizing and upgrading the hardware over time. There. You shave $$$ and time.

Yeah.... I call BS on this too. My OG Xbox 360 is still running to this day, though I don’t play games on it anymore and mostly just use it for Netflix/HBO Go. Though I don’t doubt you bought multiple ones because of the RROD, after the first year or so, the following 360 models were more reliable. Did you buy 8 Xbox

I feel about this movie the same way I did with The Witch. The story is interesting, the character interactions are realistic given the setting of the movie, the acting is good, the atmosphere is increasingly tense and full of suspense, but the ending ruins it all. It is one of the most anticlimactic movies Ive ever

At this point, I wouldn’t be shocked if that was the case. It’s fucking depressing that they would actually try to explain it that way, and people would be okay with that.

Im waiting for their explanation that he meant something else besides tapes of their conversations because he used tapesin quotations.

I have to disagree. His character was truly annoying. The acting was good, but the character was stupid and selfish for the sake of being stupid and selfish.

I can attest to this. I saw it reported everywhere. Thousands and thousands of stars were seen cheering for this comment in the streets.

Every time I eat Velveeta my stomach dies a little bit. It makes my stomach feel the feeling of being kicked in the balls.

No love for the Magic 2.0 (Off to be the Wizard) series? The latest book, Fight and Flight, comes out on May 4.


Watch the Digital Foundry videos. The Froza gameplay running on Scorpio wasnt a tech demo. It was literally an un-optimized port of the Xbox One game running on Scorpio. The game looked stunning running at native 4K and 60 FPS.

Hip hop is a business. But it is also a culture. It’s not black or white. One or the other. It’s a balance of both. However, failing in one, truly hurts the other. Nicki is currently failing on the culture side of hip hop.

He was pretty funny in Vacation. However, he was actually what I disliked the most in the Ghostbusters remake. Maybe it wasn’t his performance, but his character made my brain twitch every scene scene he was in.

I am so confused by that gif... It looks like they are fingering a ghost.

Nothing wrong with doing TV. All the cool kids are doing it these days. Of the top of my head: Tom Hardy, Maggie Gyllenhaal, McConaughey, Halle Berry, and Tom Hiddleston.

I emailed my state senator to express my concern for his support for DeVos. Here’s his BS reply:

He looks like slimy, old sliced ham that you forgot you had in the fridge.

How is a carbon tax stupid or a fraud?

I live in Framingham and am interested in going, but I wouldn’t make it on time after work. I’m in for any future protests in the Boston area though!

I understand the hate, but I will be watching. It should be entertaining to watch Sanders mop the floor with Lying Ted.