
I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. They are trying to find how a prolonged time in space affects the body. Being up there for short periods of time doesn’t affect the body much. From what I’ve read, the body returns to a normal state after returning to earth if they have only been up there for a relatively

I dont know if they did, but I hope they kept most of the other variables the same (what they ate, how much they exercised, sleep, etc.). This way, the main difference between the two is their time in space.

Oh, you! Just when I thought this is what I needed and you pull that last paragraph. Not cool.

It brings a smile to my face every time someone calls him Cheetolini. Thanks!

This article is technology related. It talked about how technology, science, and health is being set back by Trump.

And on top of all of this, he’s preventing veterans (and the rest of America) from getting government jobs.

He’s also planning on cutting their staff by half.

Wasn’t it white women and rural folk who gave Trump the presidency?

Unfortunately, this is affecting me too. I am an Army veteran. Ive been in the process of being hired for over a month. This orange turd cant go a day without making me generally worry about the future. Now hes directly affecting me.

Does that mean we get January 20 off while he’s in office? I still hate the guy, but this would probably be the only good fucking thing he does in his presidency.

If the leak lead to the death of soldiers, then she deserves to rot in prison.

How is this classic not on the list?

Guys, you have it all wrong! It was not Trump. It was his publicist,

Oh, I see. That makes perfect sense now. :)

I really don’t get how Supergirl is on the list. It is super corny, and the villains are some of the worst in TV right now. I find myself screaming at the TV more with this show than with anything else on TV.

Definitely should have been on the list.

Having a less-bad second season doesn’t make Supergirl one of the best shows of 2016. It’s still pretty mediocre.

Actually, the game will have guns that will are exclusive to supply drops. Meaning that you can not use salvage to earn them. So, it is still pay-to-win to an extent.

I have played the game also, and I think it has a lot to offer. I’ve bought every CoD since MW. However, I will not be picking it up this year. I am tired of the pay-to-win model they’ve implemented with the supply drops. The last two games had it, and this one does too. If they get their heads out of their asses and

I don’t think you got the reference. It’s a quote from South Park.