
I actually thought Chris Hemsworth was the worst part of the movie. I could not stand his performance or the character he played. The movie could have been 10 times better if they had taken him out of it.

The cooler is showing for $19.29. Is there a code we’re missing to get it for$11?

The cooler is showing for $19.29. Is there a code we’re missing to get it for$11?

I'm reading this on my Windows Phone now. I still have hope.

“Not enough jokes and it’s too gritty” I’m sure.

You’re reasoning is annoying. It made my head hurt how little sense your rants make and how blown out of proportion your arguments are.

It will be Daryl. I just have this really bad feeling it will be him.

I agree. I really don't get all of the hate Rises gets.

I agree. I really don't get all of the hate Rises gets.

I think people need to stop jumping on the bandwagon of “TWD is misery porn.” The majority of the episodes this season have been positive. Well, as positive as TWD can be.

I have a strong feeling it will be Daryl. I hope I’m wrong, but he is the closest fit to Glen in the comics. Killing Daryl would establish Neagan as the asshole villain he is in the comics.

I have a feeling Daryl is the one who’s going to hook up with Lucille. He fits the role of Glen from the comics, and it would establish Neagan as the asshole villain he is.

I have a feeling Daryl is the one who’s going to hook up with Lucille. He fits the role of Glen from the comics, and it would establish Neagan as the asshole villain he is.

I have a feeling Daryl is the one who’s going to hook up with Lucille. He fits the role of Glen from the comics, and it would establish Neagan as the asshole villain he is.

Damn, did you write this while drunk? I usually don’t give a shit about typos, but they were so many here that they were distracting.

I agree. However, some huge character moments for him in the comics will depend on him running off again, which will seem out of character for the more mature Carl in the TV show if they follow the same story.

I’m 90% sure it will be Daryl that will end up hooking up with Lucille. I really don’t think they would kill Glenn after the fake-out they pulled. In the comics, the reason they killed Glenn was to establish how much of a big-bad Negan was. Glenn was Rick’s right hand in the comics. Who fits that description in the TV

I’m sure someone has pointed it out already, but the reason Daryl and Rick were able to catch up to Jesus is that Jesus had blown a tire. You see him putting up the tire iron as Rick and Daryl get close to him. Now, whether Jesus had actually blown a tire or he just acted like he had so that Rick and Daryl could catch

Asshat is pretty sad on iZombie, but Assbutt is crazy over at Supernatural.

I don’t think that the actors themselves can do much about the stereotypes portrayed. They’re just playing the role the writers and directors want them to.

Like what? I’ve been following the film’s updates, and I’m still pretty pumped about it.

You’re highly entertaining. You get thumbs up too.