
This is highly entertaining. Watching that other guy justifying his “winning” is pure gold. Thumbs up, Arken.

I wouldn’t really say that the PS4 wins on the exclusive side. I mean, statistically they do, but I would have counted indies separately from full-blown games.

What ticks me off and makes me want to call bullshit on Kirkman’s explanation is that in the comics, they know what zombies are. They call them zombies! The story still works, and I don't thinking about what happened in other universes. I think about the walking dead universe.

I think they’ll do fine with the sexiness. As long as they do it like they did with goth Felicity.

I have a feeling Tobias is going to become the “Morgan” of this show. They’re not going to show him anymore this season, and next season, or later on in the series, he’s going to reunite with the main cast. Except then, he’ll be skinny, acne free, and a total zombie-killing badass.

I made the mistake of thrusting my dick a bit too far down my girlfriend’s throat when I was close to coming. She immediately jumped up, running straight to the bathroom. I still feel bad to this day. I remember hearing her barf as I finished myself into her trash can.

The difference may be also do to the different forms. On one side, you have Goku SS, and in the other you have Goku SS2.

They’re entertainers finding ways to entertain us. I don’t give a fuck, as long as their songs go hard, I don’t care. There will always be ghostwritters, there will always be original writers and rappers. I bet you the ones with a full team will put out the better songs and make the most money. It is ultimately what

What am I looking at?

I agree. I've had a chance to play some games I would have never picked up. So Many Me is freaking addictive.

A beta is a work in progress that is partially functional and testable. The steamy broken turd they offered was not a beta. It was not testable. It was broken. They should have made sure it was at least functional before stating a hard date for the beta.

I’m waiting for the inevitable GIF of Danielle Panabaker saying “Fuck me.”

It doesn’t work that way. Frats that haze should fucking die.

I’m sure I can think of more, but of the top of my head: networking, socializing, campus involvement, leadership opportunities, partying, and charity. You don’t really need to be in the Greek system to get these, but it certainly helps.

I’m sure I can think of more, but of the top of my head: networking, socializing, campus involvement, leadership opportunities, partying, and charity. You don’t really need to be in the Greek system to get these, but it certainly helps.

Without reading the tittle, I thought it was for Pan's Labyrinth.

Sadly, it is true. I was also in a fraternity (not Pike). We didn't condone any of the stupid shit being publicized about fraternities here. We just liked partying, hanging out, raising money for charity, and having an awesome ball at the end of the semester.

Her voice... I bet she can't be understood because, you know. Her mouth is being blocked.

He is still awesome in my opinion. I liked the arc they gave him when he was becoming emotional due to him being addicted to human blood. I also like his bromance with Deamon. Supernatural's problem is that between awesome Crowley moments, they have stupid moments like the witch mother.

I liked the episode too, but the whole "get them to cross streams" solution was really stupid. He kept running circles around them, trying to get them to cross streams. Why didn't he just grab their guns! Fighting normal people shouldn't be hard for Barry. They made it hard by stating a stupid solution, and sticking