
I didn't like that they got rid of Bobby (he was my favorite character), but Crowley is an awesome character too. Just because we lost Bobby, being left with Crowley is not a bad thing. I just wish they would do something better with him, rather than just have him get fooled by his witch mother.

Looks more like the "Don't Shoot" gesture to me.

Damn. Even robots are supporting the movement against police brutality now. They're doing the "Don't Shoot" gesture now.

Out of the shown hoodies, I think it is one of the better looking ones.

I liked Snowpiercer too, but the ending freaking sucked. You know that bear ended up eating those kids.

I completely agree with your discipline structure. I hope to some be a father that will bring himself to the level of his children, explain why something they did was wrong, and if necessary, spank them. They key is being able to get across the reason of the consequences of their actions.

Supernatural sonuds like it'g going to go back to being an freaking awesome show! I'm looking forward to it more than before.

They needed Magneto because Mystic would not have helped them/changed her mind about killing Trask without him.

This. I rarely have problems with issuing commands at the Kinect.

I can still see it being them. Yes, they're outfits do look goofy, but they do not have to wear that for the movie. They can just wear regular clothes. For example, it can be a gang that leaves cards behind or something like that.

My best guess for the Batman villan is... that it's not just one villan, but the Royal Flush Gang.

Damaged tissue? Hmmm, I'll just drink some more to numb the pain.

Demon dean would be an awesome twist!

Memphis? Really?

The better game? Sure, tell me more about it. I'm sure you've played both of them.

I agree with the article somewhat, but not really. Games do try to copy CoD in order to get a piece of the money pie. However, the audience knows what their getting when they play the single player of CoD and Batlefield. The single player campaign is like an interactive movie. It has many scripted scenes and it is