
I got used to white people pretending to be black in the 90’s. They were usually white kid rapper wannabes mimicking a look, enunciated body movements and speech of what they thought black street people would sound like. However, I only ran into normal speaking blacks on the street.

I love info like this. Thanks!

one skill, ha. Nope, I would like to get a lot better at a whole lot of skills I have. Including better at guitar, violin, painting and drawing, and better in the languages by spending time using them. I’ll add better at android game programing. I put it down a year ago when I lost a computer all my android dev apps

Try duolingo. There are tons of good free language programs but you're most likely to stick with duolingo. Put it on your cell phone. commit to 10 mins a day for 3 days and then see if you stop.

That was a good article but I want to make 1 point, I doubt Keith Richards ever played a scale.

Ha. Are these "scientific studies" founded by the companies putting out the BC? I had a little issue where my skin tore whenever I took the pill and my doctor said she'd never head of that, as it turned out many woman had that happen to them. Common side effect of too much estrogen. Only a few of my friends could

All the pros were rookies once, or as one of my violin teachers used to say, "the minute before success, is failure."

How do you eat a pomegranate? I've always just sucked on the fleshy stuff on the seeds and thown the rest away - including the seeds when the fleshy stuff is off.

I did compare at Bankrate when I bought. The mortgage company I went through stayed competitive though. I got 4.0% interest. I of course was jealous of people who got 3.5% a few years later.

When I bought several people I knew were losing their homes. They all bought when the market was high - I’m the only one I know that was out looking when the market was low. Homes were hard to sell because nobody was buying. I was though. My home closed in 7 days. Having no debt and perfect credit did that. But as I

I had a boyfriend I didn’t live with break up with me because I threw all the dishes in the sink away instead of doing them. They’d been in the sink a few months and I lived by myself and worked long hours at my job. I only did that twice.

My best friend was my roommate back in the early 90’s. We shared an apartment until I moved out and left her and her unemployed boyfriend with it. They weren’t paying rent because she lost her job and he wouldn’t work. He wasn’t even supposed to be living there - she snuck moved him in while telling me he wasn’t

I’ll throw in wax melts in a ceramic melter - the tea light goes out in a few hours and you can get a bedroom smelling very good and relaxing. I was wondering what I was going to do now that it’s summer and too hot to really want a tea light going but I decided to do it anyway because the smell helps me sleep. I use

Yeah, right. You just wanted to post that picture.

taking a copy of a movie or tv show (which is costing those companies profits) is NOT like taking a picture of a painting at a museum which is likely centurys out of copyright. Those movies, tv shows, music, books etc. likely won’t exist at all if everyone steals their profits. Wouldn’t that be cool? No more new

But, do you understand copy right infringement is wrong?

Intellectual property copyrights are not like a bottle of milk. artists, architects, writers, etc. have already proven their works are worthy of copyright and equal protection under the law as anything physical, many hundreds of thousands of times in court. You’re hurting our most creative when you down copies of

12 step works for some but not all. Too many relapsed 12 steppers to believe that band wagon. But, I have to admit when they’re in it as a group, they certainly are the biggest bullies on the block touting their own horns and giving the impression everyone not doing what they are is stupid. That goes for all of the

So was this propaganda paid for or did you do it for free?

Awesome article. Always be willing to walk away from any purchase including a house you think is perfect. You'll do a lot better if you're willing to say, "no." This article underlines a good reason why.