Trillian McMillan

Aw, he said we were "mostly harmless." What a nice chap.

To be fair, they did say Non-binary in the article and Pat appears to be Non-binary as androgynous falls under that category. Its very possible 'Its Pat" affected how people treated androgynous people at work and in public in the mid 90s. I remember many people, adults and kids, using that phrase in my area regularly.

I'm ten years older, I remember hearing kids calling every androgynous person they saw"Hey, It's Pat!" out in public. It went on for a few years. I'm not a fan of the sketch, so it just felt overly repetitive and mean.

I have been too… probably too much, haha, but I really the signifier for both generations were there in the cusp group (being a 1980 member myself) all along, but the blending of generations that comes with the co-mingling of socioeconomic groups at school, large families and early or late technology adopters all

yeah, born in 80 and I never felt a part of the older generation (gen-x)…there is a distinct difference between people born in the 60's and 70's to people born in the 80's and very late 70's. There was a big shift in parenting and technology during that time.

Aw! I actually liked Guy Noir, maybe I was the one person… no wait, so did my mom and sis. Yay, that's 3!

This show injected some life back into SNL. It was fun to watch… considering everything going on right now. (note: i actually like snl, I know , not a popular opinion 'round these parts)

His old show (Travel Channel) seemed to push the destination I believe and so the food and culture/locations were focused on more, but CNN seems to push him in a more political direction, kinda documentary style and the food seems secondary. Its different… both I thought are decent yet elitest in their own way.

They even put hops in the ciders… why? Why the cider too?!

I liked season 2 and 3 lots more. Its just more well-rounded, follows more family members, their histories and how it all intertwines with present day. Show's not perfect, but I think its a beautiful show about relationships, faith and generations.

What's with the hate? Its a well written movie…

Completely agree… Through similar life situations (bleach! :P) this movie was always in the back of my mind. I especially loved the story telling device in the road trip and how it kept them constantly moving forward, even though not all them were literally "on board." It really reminds me of an episode from

I think its the point that the government would be basically choosing what family size families are allowed to have. Poverty isn't generally a choice, and sometimes child birth isn't either. So limiting poor families to any specific number could cause class dispairity and extreme poverty in cases of extra children if

nice… especially if it was narration like Little Britain, all nonsense, all the time.

The great Jeremy Irons. I mean, Alan Rickman was great too, so is Emma Thompson, and H. Jon Benjamin, but if I had to pick just one, it would have to be the incomparable voice of Jeremy Irons (or Gregg Proops impersonating Irons).

There are, at certain times, specific groups trying to gain positive representation to help their constituents be better understood and accepted in society. And media representation in these times is very important, even when it seems unimportant to those not close to the issues. Its how civil rights improve. People

I agree, decent attempt at being a good message about the bad stereotypes in the bi community, but they missed the mark and it ended up garbled. The message board can barely agree on a clear synopsis of what really happened… To me it felt weirdly offensive, but that I should stick with it to see where it lands. Just

Yeah, I don't know what it is. I read some of those books when I was 9-12 and I still think Nancy Drew is the boss. I think they are a lot of girls' first action novels. There are so many Sherlock adaptations, but barely anything for her (on tv) that lasted.

Pretty much, yeah! Though its also the show I first saw Mel Rodriguez… who is also very funny. At least he's had a steady stream of shows since then… Enlisted, Last Man on Earth.

Well, uh, obviously…