Trillhouse Van Husslin

Trolling is an emancipatory project, humor and irony are some of the only things that can short circuit, and thus, one day, maybe eventually help free us from Ideology. The people who's own thoughts are telling them their SEEKING OUT negative experiences, engaging with them, repeatedly, even though they may not be

The overinvested cannot admit they have an addiction, which would be embarrassing, and instead rationalize and eventually assume their inability to cope with any embarrassment or perceived sleight is the natural reaction to ritualized persecution. They will see attempts at humour and satire outside of pre-approved

Must be nice be a socially acceptable rageaholic with a green light to continually hammer out the words "piece of shit" at all the people you encounter who make you seethe with inchoate fury. Not a good look in men (100:1) these days, glad you found yourself a nice opportunistic cloak tho?

I see, you are just heightening the struggle by instigating right-reaction thru cementing absolute hypocrisy into the bedrock of your revolutionary persona, a novel praxis, if it weren't so accelerationist. The explosive, violent aggression makes it clear you're a man as well,, rather than indulging in toxic

An epidemic of schools requiring children to use Facebook "to get homework and shit" is a problem, not the ground state of the human condition.

s1 was sublime, mesmerizing. its on something else. rust coal's camp aphorisms were distracting but this season is just so aggressively embarrassing at times that any cool aspects to it seem parenthetical. like even the minor casting in s1 was cool, but everyone on it now is kinda tedious or jarringly awkward except