
Did you watch it? He defended trans MULTIPLE times during that and other specials. All jokes are at the expense of someone or some thing. His weren’t dark. Why can the trans community attack those they don’t agree with while at the same time complaining about being attacked.

You Americans and your silly guns. Amusing the world since 1776.

A topic fitting for my profile pic, tee hee.

You know who would really love a Sonic the Hedgehog movie for adults? 12 year olds.

Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.

No kidding.

His 13-year-old daughter died in the crash too. While you guys take victory laps, make sure you at least spare a moment for the loss of a child’s life.

Their “stance” tends to fall to the side of, “Gamers are in general idiots who have no idea how the games they love are actually made and the restrictions and compromises that go into making them happen. As a result, their overemotional overreactions to perceived slights by the industry do far more harm to the games

I also don’t see it. Seems pretty harmless, no ones advocating genocide or telling you how to conduct your Dexit strategy. It’s just asking that you keep the virulent anger in check for a single holiday. Not everyone needs to hear about how upset you are over your lack of a Squirtle. Especially during a time when

a) he cheated so he should get banned