Judging by how he recovers after each spin, I’m saying the driver’s not a novice... so more is going on here than just amateurism.
Judging by how he recovers after each spin, I’m saying the driver’s not a novice... so more is going on here than just amateurism.
Looks like he had suspension problems and was quite aware of it and was trying to characterize the problem. He slowed way down and was testing the car in the later spins.
I believe so. I think I’d rather drink buttermilk left in the sun.
“I killed a CarMax employee and they STILL honored my warranty.”
DeMuro is clearly responsible for this, whether directly or indirectly.
This. It’s like we keep reading about this amazing brewery but the only thing you can find on the shelf is a chocolate oatmeal porter you wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.
Indeed, that’s why I’m more interested in the third party warranty company stats. It’s just frequency of repairs, average cost of repair, and inconvenience and it can make for some interesting reading:
Regarding reliability, this used to mean whether or not your car would break down or need major mechanical work. Now it’s being heavily influenced by consumers ratings on the ease of use of infotainment systems.
3rd Gear: Audi can dramatically grow their performance car sales by doing one simple thing: Bring more of them to the US! They already have them in Europe, and they’d sell here if they SOLD them here! S and RS all the things!!!
Whatever man. Having a bunch or really insanely nice and cool cars doesn’t mean you have a small dick. I’m sick of this shit. I drive a really awful car and my dick is small and bad.
That’s a kit car made from a Ferrari.
Can’t you just see the Tavarish post? “Why buy a small island when you could have this slightly modified Lotus instead?”
They didn’t have any barely controlled explosions available in inventory.
My biggest problem is the ride height. Why does it sit so high? This is the worst photo I have seen of the car.
At first, I mis-read your comment and thought you said “..as MY regular Aston.”. I spooled up into a righteous Internet Rage(TM), unsure whether you were being insufferably smug or just trolling.
Bernie stated in the CNN Town Hall that it was about 5 years old. And that it was red. I bet it’s an Aveo or a Cobalt.