
I doubt they will improve anytime soon. I mean people are like “Hyundai is great, they even offer a 100k mile warranty” and my reply is always “Hyundai is hot garbage, why do you think they offer a 100k Warranty? Because they know their crap is going to break down within the first 100k miles. Companies dont just offer

Oh gawd no a Velosturd? I owned two brand new... Lemon Law’d both pieces of Hot Garbage within 3 months of each other. if she is going that route she should just get a GTI or try an snatch up a 2017/18 Focus ST fully loaded

That has got to be the ugliest front end this Decade that I have ever seen

And Repubtards, and Traitor Tot’s wonder why we call these places concentration camps... There is a special place in Hell/Tartarus/Hades/Sheol/Gehenna/Abaddon/Naraka/Jahannam (take your pick) for Pieces of shit that profit off of other peoples suffering, especially one’s that KNOWINGLY do so!

You saying this just made me think of the Old People Take Over The World episode of South Park, I hope you made 1000's today good sir/ma’am

Sadly India has cornered the market on Tech for Cheap. In the Industry somewhat, and the salaries I see are decent, but not enough to make someone not give push back, give that same salary to a H-1B guy, and welp they will do anything to keep their job, even if it means licking the bottom of their bosses boots.

It was added as an afterthought in an Update.

This is Believeable just simply from the mention of H-1B, I have actually had that threat before happen to me.

I fear that what happened to Destiny 1 happened to Anthem, they had an amazing game, then shit hit the fan or something (creator left or suddenly a *Lets make that part of the game DLC and make massive ammounts of extra cash off it from the higher ups*) happene. The game concept is awesome, implementation of it is com

The only thing that would make the Suiting Up scene any better would be if this was available on a HTC Vive setup.... So satifying

If Bowser wants to rule the Mushroom Kingdom without us rebelling his first act as King of the Mushroom Kingdom should be Releasing Mother 3... and several other Japan only games people have been screaming for for years... Hell if Mother 3 came out, that would probably tip the scale and make me finally buy a Switch!

PSO2 :-(

They must get their Marketing Technique training from Sarah Sanders...

Same I had such High Hopes for Mass Effect Andromeda... until I played the game for 5 minutes...

All 76 seems to be to me is just a Fallout version of Seven Days to Die. Fun at first, but old in the end of a few hours. Shame really I love fallout but this is a completely Heartless attempt at a Cash Grab that I sadly fell victim to as well

Yes because its so great it’s illeagal, seriously give it up, no one cares about the Raspberry pie here, and for the ones that might they probably already have one. SMH

Kinda correct on that. I used to be a GM for a Major Carrier, the reason why you pay the Taxes upfront, is because Tax’s are not fanciable for some reason or another. At least thats how it was explained to me when I was running my own store. I do know however when you do get those rare moments of paying nothing upfront

Couldnt be Cerberus, John Shepard wouldnt allow it

All of those phones have Wifi Hotspot Capability. So most likely he is only using one Cellphone account with Hotspot and connecting the rest to it over WiFi.... *Facepalm* 

9 times out of 10 when Nintendo goes after someone, it’s not exactly because they want to be assholes but it is to protect their intellectual property. If they do not then they could lose the rights to their IP simply because they didnt defend it. Shame though that this is happening, considering like many of you have