
It's like ham & melon. Which has been around for a long time.

I remember "The Wall" always making me really nervous. It was like a scene out of a horror movie; desperately trying to scramble up while the monster grabs onto your feet and pulls you back down.

My only problem with the song is how judgey he is about then-modern music, and the accompanying cultural shift. He's lamenting America's collective loss of innocence and also the fact that you couldn't dance to this new late-60's type rock music. But what a middle-class white guy sees as a loss of innocence, others

"There’s a radio station called KROQ in L.A.," - I like the fact that he thought he had to identify that as if nobody has heard of the most iconic rock station in the country. I'm not from California, but I know of KROQ from their being very influential in the emergence of the alt-rock scene. Plus being the home of

Can you not display PNGs? The originals are PNG, but you've got them saved here as JPEGs, which makes them look awful. Unless that was intended so people would be directed to his own site.

Yeah, it was a nice change from the cliche of most action shows, where the main chars are unbeatable against any number of anonymous minions. In "real life", 15 competent fighters should be able to beat 4 extraordinary ones.

My only nitpick is I kinda thought the avatar-state would have taken over when Korra got shot with the dart and given her a surge of strength. Or at least some avatar-state action when she woke up on the platform temporarily.

Yeah, it felt like they wasted an entire episode of them refusing to admit what their past issue was. That reticence could have been condensed into the first act of an episode.

The Ring holds a real soft spot in my heart, in that it's the only horror movie that really freaked me out as an adult. (Well, age 20 when I saw it in the theater). Plus the fact that most of its scariness is from unrepentent creepiness and interminable sense of doom, rather than cheap scares.

Yeah, was going to say that the "fat boy, wait till tomorrow" might be directed at himself, since he obviously had body image issues. Maybe he's mad at himself for always deciding to wait until tomorrow to ask some girl out. And there's nothing in the lyrics about a cabin…there's "a place in a little town" which is

My guess was that he shrunk an eyeball and an ear down to nearly invisible size, and sent them along attached to the tail. Or maybe his tail is a just a very good sound conductor?

Agree, this was possibly my least favorite episode. Just…nothing really interesting happening. Also, a big aspect of silent film performers is the use of their expressive faces and eyebrows to convey emotion or humor. Jake's tail is capable of changing into a face or any shape - limiting it to an expressionless worm