Trick Me Up, Trick Me Down

Where’s Keith Morrison when you need him. He’s so good at the leaning relaxing thing. Ever so quietly sliding into the question that will make the answer you give look ludicrous. Then he leans in and uses his soft voice to point out how incredulous your story sounds.

Which would inevitably be filmed by someone else and posted online, at which point we would all call you an idiot and a monster before you were fired from your job.

“they’re encouraging all of us to put down our onion rings for one damn second and pick up a book.”

This is what articles are now.


Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.

Edit - I meant non-white.

It pleases me that this was said by a man who looks like Frito Bandito’s conservative nephew.

Not scholarship money. Money that pours into the universities from the major football programs. TV deals, sponsorship deals, ticket/concession/merchandise sales, and on and on and on.

Jacob is wearing red because he was too scared to tell his mom his true decision and because he needed a ride to the signing. She has been telling him what to do for a very long time and he’s done. We can only hope he has a place to live until football camp begins. Other readers must answer your other questions.

God, I am so goddamn sick of people trying to excuse abhorrent behavior by questioning the motives and background of those trying to hold perpetrators accountable. As Archer would say, “Eat a buffet of dicks.”

Shut the Fuck up and go Fuck yourself, you idiotic piece of worthless shit. You’re the fucking dregs of humanity.

Honestly. Grown-ups don’t carry that rivalry shit past graduation. It’s a convenient excuse to be able to disregard anything anyone ever does in life by saying they spent four years at a different university whose athletic teams played your athletic teams.

a lot of people I love went to or still go to MSU

MSU fans who blindly defend their team over a sexual abuse case AND Michigan fans who use this sexual abuse as a “gotcha” moment to stick to their rivals can fuck right off.

why is this the top comment? fuck off, this has nothing to do with an in-state sports rivalry. show some class

Kill yourself.

Holy shit, you really think us Michigan grads are so goddamn shallow that we’d put a fucking sports rivalry above genuinely caring that sexual predators have gotten a free pass?

This is so bad

I’ve seen a few of these comments/emails so might as well say, yeah I went to Michigan. But for what it’s worth, a lot of people I love went to or still go to MSU, and I rooted for Izzo and Dantonio and loved Draymond Green and Kirk Cousins when I was a kid/teen. I want them to be a good, safe university.