That used to be called “reverse psychology”. I don’t know what it’s called now, but it’s probably just as effective on the non-self-aware.
That used to be called “reverse psychology”. I don’t know what it’s called now, but it’s probably just as effective on the non-self-aware.
Master burn from BirdOPrey! That’ll learn ‘em!
Sorry, but I’m not that up to date on what it takes to be “triggered.”
They should have made him the new James Bond 5 years ago.
He’s a flake. I appreciated what Jason Johnson had to say about it
Can we interview his “black best friend” to get his side of the story? We’ve all heard the accounts of slave owners being surprised when the slaves they treated so well decided to escape. “BBF” might think of Ernie more as a landlord than a friend. IJS...
. . . It is? Okay, you’ll have to forgive me, but it just struck me as completely inappropriate. It was always my understanding that the wedding was the bride’s day, and whatever else happens, you do absolutely nothing which might tread on the bride’s spotlight. To have the man walk his mother out in a formal…
At least you had your head on straight.
Someone liked my story from last year and that means it’s no longer lost, so I’ll post it here again. This and the other story both happened in the same house about a two years apart. Here it is:
Omg that’s CRAZY!
Good move. He probably didn’t want to murder someone who was about to shit herself. What a mess!
I’ve never commented on this platform before, but seeing this post the day after this weird thing happened seemed like too much of a coincidence. I’m commenting hoping one of you might have a logical explanation for what happened. Something that makes sense and lets me forget.
When my daughter was less than a year old, I went into her room before going to bed to check on her. I go in, she’s not in her crib. Panicking, I run over, she’s not there. No blankets, no pillows, no animals. Just a bare mattress. I look around the room in a full-blown panic attack, look back at the crib.
This is a little more creepy/disturbing than scary, but it’s something that still gives me chills when I think about it (and I try not to think about it very often). Note: All names have been changed.
Gddammit, I’m giving my students an exam, I’m psyching myself up for grading them by reading scary stories, and you just made me snort out loud that midway I tried to cover as a sneeze but the hulking dude in the front row with the neckbeard just gave me a LOOK (he’s actually a sweetheart but can look intimidating).
This reminds me of a story told to me by a woman I work with. This woman is tiny - maaaybe 5 feet tall, but likely a little under - but has also clearly spent a lifetime making sure she can defend herself in other ways. She told me that when she was in her late teens/early 20s, she was walking back to get parents’…
This story isn’t supernatural but it’s 100% true and probably the closest I’ve (knowingly) come to being in serious trouble.
1) omg yessssss! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Jesus, dude this sucks, I normally like the What Would You Do? show because the scenario always involves actors and, like you said, it’s the bystanders who get to make the choices.
You didn’t have a say or any choice and that was wrong of them. Totally. I’m sorry you were blindsighted and embarrassed, I would be…