I agree with this comment, youtube drama is below reality tv drama on the list if things I can tolorate.
I agree with this comment, youtube drama is below reality tv drama on the list if things I can tolorate.
That entire speech was nauseating and I’m absolutely flabbergasted that the media seems to be happily slobbering over it. Everything he reiterated in that speech is troubling. Targeting immigrants with a immigrant crime task force is a waste of funding, a political stunt, and a troubling racist policy. The police and…
My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”
I’m not saying it’s not a big deal, just that it’s a HUGE deal for poor people who happen to have old cars. I have old cars by choice, but I have three of them, and this would be a major burden.
It is the show of defiance against Putin many NATO allies have been waiting for from the Trump administration. {...}
SNL should have Obama on as a guest host and have him read Trump quotes verbatim like they did with Sara Palin.
I find crying in a corner while I try to make fox sports go work for 20 minutes gets the job mostly done.
Since September 12, 2001 I’ve flown Old Glory on the front of my house every day. That changed after November. These people want to take my daughter’s healthcare away. This puts not only my financial security at risk but also my daughter’s very life in jeopardy. I am very angry right now and my new flag is a silent…
The Nice Guys had great cars! How cool is cruising L.A. at night in a drop top Mercedes with a giant bumble bee?
Then you deserve a better, less snobbery-inclined wife.
Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to…
It’s only “too much power” before you learn to control it.
*slams fist on the table*
Or, do what I do and stay clear of the internet until I’ve seen it
Do you know many engineers?
I think we should do this anyway. This noble fool has already spent money out of pocket and I suspect everyone will benefit if his budget can be supplemented by those who are getting all the entertainment out of it.
Wait till you hit the water at 70 mph then decide.