
Millennial here with a new muscle car. Most people my age love it and the idea of having one, but also can’t afford them. I’m just lucky to be an engineer

But what about those bastards in front of you on the on ramp who refuse to start accelerating despite the fact that we’re entering a highway whos speed limit is double what you’re doing right now and GODDAMNIT I ONLY HAVE 90 OR SO WHP TO WORK WITH, STOP WAITING UNTIL THE LAST FUCKING SECOND TO SPEED UP TO-

This always confuses me.

If I buy music, I’m allowed to:
-Transform its form (CD -> MP3 for example)
-Crop and Edit it
-Change its quality, etc.

What I can’t do is:
-Duplicate it for profit purposes
-Steal it and recreate it as my own

I really don’t know how this is different. OK, so to me its pretty clear if I copy Deere’s

I’m glad my Prime membership is going to good use.

I’m still going to give the two Corvettes the edge at Le Mans, the actual American cars.

To my eyes It looks like it was just a reflection from the street light on the black paint. You can see some more reflection like those on the front fenders.

Other reasonable humans do exist!

First generation Viper. It would be interesting to hear about something that could kill you and it would give you enough room to find a second car. Like the Hummer/GT-R.

Pretty much. I own and drive a 15. With properly adjusted mirrors your side and rear blind spots are effectively nonexistent. Honestly the front pillars are the only real issue.

Alternatively, you could just try not sucking at driving. I’ve been driving a 14’ Camaro SS for two years, and not once have I lost a car in any blind spot.

Or just adjust your mirrors properly.

Yes, the V6 Camaro is finally a Camaro you won’t feel bad about owning.

Yup, just like Ford, Chrysler, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Toyota, and Honda. Did I miss anyone? Seriously what a stupid comment.

I still haven’t forgiven you for crushing that Saturn. However crushing the PT Cruiser was enough of a gift to man for me to at least look past your tragic mistake.

I daily drove a late 90s Volkswagen for 14 consecutive years without ever being left stranded once. Wolfsburg had a whole team of technicians trying to figure out how that was possible.

Whatever this is. I need it