
Reminds me of when I was in grad school (for history) surrounded by a table of men who were questioning why we study women’s history anyway. These were future historians talking, mind you, not the general public. They just didn’t get the point.

“If you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

I refuse to care about Emily Ratajkowski. She’s like, the second coming of Shannon Elizabeth.

Don’t people understand anything? Beyonce never really talks about the other woman, she doesn’t rage at her or confront her. She doesn’t degrade the other woman. This album is not for them. It’s not for the side-chick; it’s not for the cheating spouse; it’s for all the women who’ve been cheated and lied to and had to

I mean she has her art history degree from St. Andrews, which is a pretty great university, so I’m assuming her thought process is a bit more complex than “is it pretty.”

See, I know that, and YOU know that, but some really are stuck on blaming the other woman for not saying no. It’s a damn shame really.

What’s going on is a case of self declared feminists picking and choosing when/how/where to support other women while the rest of us sit by with our popcorn. Lemonade was a work of art, but the aftermath and “Becky” attacks are the epitome of trashy female misogyny. IF Jay cheated on Queen Bey, why isn’t the hive

For many years I felt I wore the costume of a together person. I was hiding, very close to the surface, an extremely traumatized person. Everyone seemed happier than me and existed in a state of ease. I felt I was lurking in their world—white, middle class, educated, a sense of ease about it all. And I felt my mask

I’m desperately trying to find a way a law student’s activism isn’t as relevant as anyone else’s but ... I just can’t.

My grandmother is the most spiritual person I know. She converted to Buddhism at age 35 after growing up in a very conservative catholic latin household, she chants and meditates and is really into theosophy. She is very much into mysticism and says she can see and talk to spirits. Although I love talking about all