Me not can think of too many artists who can put out albums for 40 years and keep me interested, but Byrne at top of that short list.
Me not can think of too many artists who can put out albums for 40 years and keep me interested, but Byrne at top of that short list.
The purest expression of David Byrne’s creative outlook can’t be found on a Talking Heads record or in an elaborate…
You guys are all madder about this than he is. It’s almost like you don’t care about David Byrne at all and just get upset when women speak out about lack of inclusion.
It’s because he’s a decent guy who rightly takes this stuff seriously that he apologised, so whether he needed to or not, I kind of appreciate it.
I think you both mean Hal Wilkerson.
Down 2 Clown
You can’t go home again. The final scene of Twin Peaks: The Return offers the most literal interpretation possible…
Along those lines, I used to think Deep Purple and the Velvet Underground were the same band. I mean I knew both those names, but they occupied the same slot in my brain. I guess because velvet is often purple and “deep” and “underground” are related terms.
“We’ve always talked about how we’d never betray anyone who cares about us, but here we are now,” James Murphy wrote…
Barry White? Really? I guess we’ll just have to go with it.
You know, me have read lot of complains in past year about “mission drift” at A.V. Club, how site writing about politics and food (and yet rarely cookies! What up with that, A.V. Club?), but one thing me have always loved about site is that there always room for something this personal and heartfelt, regardless of…
My mom got a stomachache almost every time it rained. Considering we lived in Houston, with its humid, storm-happy…
Hello Danette,
I don’t know how misogynistic assholes can argue with that statement, but I’m sure they’ll find a way. One of the stock responses to the gender pay gap is that women need to be tougher negotiators. Here is a case of a woman being a tough, smart, fair negotiator and the MRAs take it as another excuse to be outraged.…
Pssst. Hey, Shkreli. Know what would really piss people off? Buy the AVClub and get rid of Kinja. Journalists hate that one weird trick.
*pssst* The redesign was rolled out in 2013. We’re all old and going to die. I hated it initially too, and I still resent it for burying not-immediately-popular content, but compared to Kinja, it was fantastic. It helps that it didn’t fundamentally change everything about the site.
Probably should put Fishburne in the headline.
Cows don’t look like cows on film. You have to paint a horse.