"It's the VW Jetta of turntables"
"It's the VW Jetta of turntables"
Yeah, but those were interesting.
Christ, what an asshole.
The Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas is rock-and-roll in the sense that Californication was rock-and-roll, but it was one of two casinos I visited in December 2007 that was not playing Christmas music.
Yeah, Keith was happy to explain that to Dawn on The Office. And helpfully added that "fanny" means "bum" in America and not "minge."
Shit, her NAME is Alberta, she LIVES in Vancouver!
Father of Jackie's baby, played by a bearded Danny Noonan.
Yeah, that's how he met Fred and how Fred met Jackie.
No, that was before the motorcycle shop closed. After the motorcycle shop closed, he went to work for the Lanford municipal government.
Yeah, those Christmas Vacation residuals really add up.
I thought the last season was pretty heavy on the poorly-constructed strawmen characters that were easily demolished by Roseanne, until I went back to the pilot and saw that her character has been doing that since then.
Well, they did that in Grindhouse. Tarantino filled Death Proof with conversations among female characters that few women would actually have.
Yeah. Which is why Nip/Tuck steadily lost advertisers over its run.
Anti-Dunham sentiment that's generated by the fact that she's not in the hater's kitchen making the hater a sandwich is still overblown.
Tangerine Nightmare.
The Censored Count video predates TWIUC by a few years, and that probably ripped off an even earlier bit.
Great idea! On-demand black market organ donation! An app that connects rich people who need organs with poor people who need money and have well-functioning organs! They could even incorporate surge pricing somehow!
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that they ended up embodying everything I hate about the taxicabs they were competing with (shitty cars driven by people who need directions everywhere [despite having a goddamn GPS in their car], a customer service function that doesn't give two shits, etc.), but here we are.