
I don't think anyone has argued any of those things. They've argued that Val is a massive twat for making his parents lie their asses off about who they are just so he can get married at 20, though.

brb, photographing a feeding trough and calling it a discreet cops' trap.

Counterpoint to the "all of the restaurants in Times Square" argument: Virgil's.

"Going into a restaurant requires you to have at least an hour, if not two or three, to do nothing but enjoy your meal."

One time I went to the Starbucks in Penn Station and a homeless person of indeterminate gender who'd very, very recently soiled themselves walked in. The customers could (and did) flee; the employees could not.

So she greeted them without her muumuu or her fat guy hat?

Not nearly as mind-blowing as the fact that Grey's Anatomy is still on the air, but yes.

Patton Oswalt's screen debut!

How much of the book is devoted to talking about the time he stepped off the stage in the middle of a one-man show?

Pretty much how I feel when watching Scandal with my wife.

They could've stopped at $100, but uh-uh, they had to go ALL THE WAY!

The only other occasion where I would possibly have to go at night during the week is my next (and final) semester, and that would be Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yeah, I'm in a grad program now that's been either all day Saturdays or online until this semester, where I took one class from 6 to 8:30 on Mondays. I'm hoping never to do that again.

Last summer I had an Operations Management grad-level course that was just like that, only

He's still pro-gay rights and pro-choice, he just doesn't talk about that nearly as much as he talks about how ugly Hillary Clinton is.

No, they just didn't offer any to you.

How do you keep up with current events like that?!

I keep tellin' ya, man, this is a juice and coffee bar!

Leo, please. Dr. Spaceman was his father.

That makes me sad! Like when I see a owl without a graduation cap! It makes me wanna pee on somebody!