

Magnolia Bakery?! Sorry, hips!

I think even Tommy Wiseau could've given a better delivery of some of her lines during the ice rink scene.

Starbucks online ordering got a lot better when you weren't limited to ordering from the nearest store. Now I can order when I'm 10 or 15 minutes away and it's waiting for me.

Yeah, I'm juuuuuust old enough to have had to buy porn on VHS from brick-and-mortar stores.

Why? There are like 50 different companies in Chicago alone that do this now.

Blockbuster trying to develop a website where you could have a pizza and a movie delivered to you is the most hilarious the-Internet-is-here-but-we-don't-know-what-the-hell-to-do-with-it story since that CNN show where anchors would read websites on the air.

Between and GrubHub, there was SeamlessWeb, which 1) may have started as a brick-and-mortar operation and 2) may have originally been for corporate accounts only (can't remember).

Well, sure, but then I have to talk to another human being.

If you haven't seen The Big Kahuna, you should watch it before it's gone. Great to watch Spacey devour the scenery with his delivery of lines like "Hand mirrors, Bob."

Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown but no Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown?!

Who, James Hong? Let's see, Seinfeld, The Shadow, Wayne's World 2, Airplane!…

Is it racist of me to think the doctor looks like James Hong?

Yeah, and then they beat it to death in III. "Run for fun? What the hell kinda fun is that?"

I just think it's great that Armenians now fall under the definition of "white."

Yeah, I thought of Soul-Glo during his scenes in Logan.

It was a Wendy's, and it was still in operation about a decade ago when I lived 5-10 minutes down Queens Boulevard.

Unrelated: It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out that Frank Oz did the voice of Yoda.

When he tells Judge Reinhold that it's OK if his dick gets hard at the strip club in Beverly Hills Cop.

The one after Mortimer says "bacon, like you'd find in a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich"? No, that's underrated.