
Freeze, you diseased rhinoceros pizzle!

And Murphy said there was a stronger chance Vic Morrow would work with John Landis again than there was a chance Murphy would work with Landis.

Well that's an unexpectedly scorching hot take from Lobsters!

You forgot Jewface.

I think it's less the age difference and more the severe unlikelihood that a slobby underachiever would be in a relationship with Rachel Weisz or Kate Beckinsale without something unhealthy going on on the part or one or both of them.

Robert DeNiro/Bela Lugosi/Snuffleupagus/…and Paaaaarker Posey!

You should watch the original The Longest Yard if you haven't seen it before. It's miles better than the remake and doesn't chicken out on a dark ending the way the remake does.

My wife loves Next Friday and Friday After Next, but hadn't even seen Friday. When we watched it, she said he hates Chris Tucker and found the "You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day!" scene overly preachy.

The remake of The Longest Yard. As an Adam Sandler movie, it wasn't especially good or bad. As a remake of the original, it was godawful. Especially since Guy Ritchie remade it about 10 years before THAT and did an OK job with it, so why did we need another remake?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Thank God she took some acting lessons between Happy Gilmore and Modern Family. If only she'd taken them before her run on Weeds, though.

I kept seeing the ads for it on Netflix, and finally decided to watch it.

Is it possible to actually do a clever joke about a character in the past mis-predicting the future? Because there were several here, and none of them were actually funny.

I really hope I'm never burned by a woman in a relationship so badly that I become a Neil LaBute fan.

There was a period in 2007 where I was traveling so much for work, I saw that movie 4 times just on airplanes.

Oh I don't know about the 6 other people in the theater, I just thought it was weird to hear "I'm not a woman, I'm a journalist" and then read "No soy una mujer, estoy una journalista" in the subtitles.

Spiderman 3 was released in 2006 or 2007 and did indeed suck.

The only scene I've seen from YF&N is the scene when the one guy talks about his best sexual experience being when he and his buddies raped a kid on the floor of their high school shower.

Apparently my roommate walked out when Rodney Dangerfield announced he was going upstairs to have sex with his daughter. Satire or not, that would've been a lot for a 20-year-old in the early 90s to take, and I can't blame him.

Oh that just had Kenneth Branagh yelling various racial slurs at Will Smith, followed by an attempted lynching of Smith. GOOD CLEAN FUN!

Whichever Seltzer and Friedberg movie it was that I once saw on an airplane had the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean dancing to Bubba Sparxxx. They go to the "character(s) dancing to out-of-character music" well A LOT.