
Pervo the Clown? Oh, you mean John Wayne Gacy.

The 2005 special is worth watching just for the Grand Prize Game with the little girl that just walks up to each bucket and drops the ball in, and Bozo's slow burn that progresses as she won't stop doing it.

I think Bob Bell was the inspiration for the voice only. Krusty's laugh is clearly inspired by Bob Bell's Bozo.

I just had to watch Tuesdays With Morrie for a class and my God was it distracting having Hank Azaria and Jack Lemmon cast in the leads in what was supposed to be a heavy drama.

I don't know why "Juse a glass!" cracks me up as much as it does, but it does. Maybe it's just the gay Latino houseboy going all Jewish-mother on Val.

Shame they couldn't find room for Sam McMurray in the cast.

Ball 4!
Ball 8!
Ball 12!
Ball 16!

Great, a guy with an enormous penis and a guy who was in Dinner For Schmucks speak fondly of him.

Duffman could really use an eye-opener!

Yeah, here you go:

We can make plans for the wedding later, because right now, DADDY'S GOTTA GO TO WORK

It's also on Hulu.

"No Holocaust shit"

I think that's one of the few times in history where a complicated build-up to a punchline actually paid off.

Yeah, only not steadily declining in quality.

I read an interview a while ago that seemed to indicate that Ryan Hansen needed the meaning of the lyrics explained to him, so…I dunno if the obliviousness was acting.

Or they won't admit that they're so racist, they get Sinbad and Shaquille O'Neal confused.

Yeah, it's just the punchline to the joke "How you can you tell if someone is a Catholic/Episcopalian Jedi/Star Wars fan?"

Every time I see a Clickhole article, I think "didn't that go away?" and then I realize I was thinking of Starwipe.

Yeah, there's a reason why it's known locally as the Hinckley Hilton.