
No, it's a myth. Like the Holocaust.

Was this before or after the Friday Morning Fart Song?

Even worse, he listened to a Morning Zoo radio show on any day of the year and was surprised to hear something stupid.

It probably would have taken me a lot longer to realize You Don't Love Me Anymore was an Extreme parody if the video wasn't also a parody of the More Than Words video.

It helps if you tell yourself that Weird Al is getting as close as he can get to doing a John Linnell impression when he sings it.

I'm thinking of getting to the airport extra-early when we fly to London next month so I can eat at the RJ Grunt's in Terminal 5.

I'm embarrassed to admit I never realized that Everything You Know Is Wrong is a TMBG parody until it was pointed out to me.

I believe the pyramidial tracts are a housing project outside Cairo.

All you can handle, bro.

He says "I don't want a large Farva!" You stepped on the punchline!

Throw stuff off a bridge…

Just order a large, Farva!

Just like ah get every Thursday 'fore ah go to mah podiatrist!

Are you sure it wasn't about developing film in a photo lab at a big box store, because that was called One Hour Photo.

So does In-N-Out Burger, and they do it without being homophobic.

Listen mister, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna kick one hundred percent of your ass!


I was gonna say "it must have been awful, having to live with a guy who worshiped Tucker Max," but then I thought "at least you never had to listen to him having sex in the next room."

Look, her people are Nordic.

Oh I can't listen to it without thinking of Sarah Lynn or Louise Belcher.