
Actually, that sounds like a joke from The Comedy Central Roast of Any Non-Conventionally-Attractive Man.

“I really had the impression that I knew you. I thought I was just messing around with a friend, but the reality is that we are not friends.”

Where the sodomy takes place outside of a prison, you mean.

But do you hunt La Renard with only her cunning to protect her?

I saw it at one of the RiffTrax live events.

Yeah, Carman worked in a number of different musical genres.

Hell, he LOOKS like he smells like stale cigarettes and hair oil.

Serious answer: If you're willing to overlook the incredibly low likelihood that ~20-year-old pot has any potency at all, Roseanne.

It's kinda weird how when Fred Willard was arrested for indecent exposure in a porno theater recently, I was just like "Oh, that's cute." Like, when the cops told him he was under arrest, did he go WHA' HAPPEN'?!

I think it's time we all admitted that, while F&G is great, this ep is a long-form version of an ONDCP ad.

And hopefully there will be another Watch This about ecstasy so they can do Epiphanies.

And ER?

When Mrs. Meathead and I went to Medellin in the spring, one of our tour guides said that Moura looked a lot like Escobar, but his accent made him sound like he was from the Middle East.

The ones with the separate After Midnight menu do, yeah.

Burt Reynolds.

Little Caesars 25 years ago was so, so much better than present-day Little Caesars.

There is no universe where Blimpie is better than Subway.

I have never seen a more accurate portrayal of someone trying to have a conversation while coked out than Romano's in the Vegas ep.

I think I'd be genuinely stunned to learn that he and Charlie Day don't actually share a pullout couch in a rat-infested apartment.

I went a few times as an adult, and it was A LOT more fun when I was a kid.