

Every now and then, I'm reminded that this song appears in Big, during the "Josh spends the paycheck from his grownup job/writes a letter to his mom" montage.

Yeah, Mrs. Meathead and I have seen them twice since 2012, and it really is a great show.

Easiest theory would be that it was meant to be used instead of the Star Wars theme.

whatever song Duckie lip-syncs to

…The Bears.


I thought "SPOILLLLLLERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" referred to the spoiler in the original article and not the fact that you were going to include another spoiler in your post.

But it's…Disney.

Hmmm…going to go with SMG dry-humping Ryan Philippe in Cruel Intentions.

He was definitely one of the better parts of Flight.

Yeah, I've had to sit thru no fewer than two live CBB tapings where he was the surprise guest, and both were exhausting when it was just him and Scott Aukerman on stage.

I did NOT expect him to die young.

Oi, Gus!

Absent doing something really racially unfortunate, he wasn't going to be able to come up with another character because he'd be spotted AS SACHA BARON COHEN. There's a reason The Dictator and The Brothers Grimsby were scripted movies.

Yeah, it takes the right frame of mind to appreciate just how groundbreaking it was to get up on live television and lip-sync the Mighty Mouse theme song (but only the "Here I come to save the day!" parts).

It didn't look like anyone in Borat or Bruno needed to be *provoked* into saying stupid shit…

Well, by necessity - he couldn't play any of them for very long without being spotted.

1) Tommy being shitty to Magz gets less funny when you're married (or did for me, anyway)

I went to one of the performances of The Producers after Broderick and Lane returned to the production and Nathan Lane broke several times during the show. I was about half-annoyed and half-sympathetic.